GHL System Berhad Annual Report 2023

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2023 CONT’D 4. OPERATING SEGMENTS (Cont’d) Malaysia Philippines Thailand Others Total 2022 (Cont’d) RM RM RM RM RM Gain on disposal of investment in associate (1,468,950) - - - (1,468,950) Gain on derecognition of right-of-use assets upon early settlement (3,603) - - - (3,603) Gain on lease termination (33,958) - - - (33,958) Inventories written off 93,884 - - - 93,884 Inventories written back - (1,042,266) - - (1,042,266) Loss/(Gain) on disposal of property, plant and equipment (excluding right-of-use assets) 916,626 6,217 (26,673) - 896,170 Net impairment losses/(reversal of impairment losses) on trade and other receivables 1,677,452 130,460 (106,886) - 1,701,026 Property, plant and equipment written off 80,626 255,588 - - 336,214 Reversal of inventories written down (57,216) - - - (57,216) Bad debts written off 42,066 47,124 29,488 - 118,678 Finance costs 1,517,850 36,009 26,967 - 1,580,826 Interest income (2,145,030) (31,954) (4,142) - (2,181,126) Tax expense 9,718,463 1,831,260 502,023 188,793 12,240,539 Share of profit of an associate (2,304) - - - (2,304) Unrealised loss/(gain) on foreign exchange, net 39,515 (25,840) (22,111) - (8,436) Segment assets 680,295,384 67,107,083 26,968,571 2,613,390 776,984,428 Deferred tax assets 2,100,405 Total assets 779,084,833 Additions to property, plant and equipment 42,716,908 379,940 163,653 - 43,260,051 Segment liabilities 243,906,224 8,734,483 6,383,072 348,722 259,372,501 Deferred tax liabilities 7,885,808 Total liabilities 267,258,309 Major customers There are no major customers with revenue equal or more than ten (10) percent of the Group’s revenue. As such, information on major customers is not presented. 93 ANNUAL REPORT 2023