GHL System Berhad Annual Report 2023

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2023 CONT’D 4. OPERATING SEGMENTS (Cont’d) The following summary described the geographical locations units in each of the reportable segments of the Group: (a) Malaysia (b) Philippines (c) Thailand (d) Others: Australia, Indonesia and Singapore The Group evaluates performance on the basis of profit or loss from operations before tax not including nonrecurring losses and also excluding the effects of share-based payments. Segment results, assets and liabilities include items directly attributable to a segment. Segment capital expenditure is the total costs incurred during the period to acquire segment assets that are expected to be used for more than one (1) year. Malaysia Philippines Thailand Others Total 2023 RM RM RM RM RM Segment profits 16,906,795 17,459,984 4,763,662 1,032,253 40,162,694 Included in the measure of segment profits are: Revenue from external customers - Shared services 100,858,664 15,287,888 17,233,275 - 133,379,827 - Solution services 7,199,589 2,892,100 2,196,686 1,653,767 13,942,142 - Transaction payment acquisition 242,108,123 47,585,504 17,345,144 290,323 307,329,094 - Lending 5,379,329 321,084 14,516 - 5,714,929 355,545,705 66,086,576 36,789,621 1,944,090 460,365,992 Inter-segment sales 3,358,603 - - - 3,358,603 Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 15,544,377 4,504,863 3,712,103 1,335 23,762,678 Amortisation of intangible assets 264,671 16,405 - - 281,076 Amortisation of contract liabilities (6,281,461) (3,283,510) (913,136) (1,348,642) (11,826,749) Fair value loss on other investment 18,500 - - - 18,500 Gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment (excluding right-ofuse assets) (2,482,435) (247,147) (370,332) - (3,099,914) Gain on lease termination (873) - - - (873) Impairment loss on property, plant and equipment 56,353 - - - 56,353 Loss on reassessment of right-of-use assets 18,874 - - - 18,874 Net impairment losses/(reversal of impairment losses) on trade and other receivables 4,338,359 (2,852,861) (300,628) - 1,184,870 91 ANNUAL REPORT 2023