GHL System Berhad Annual Report 2023

Group Company 2023 2022 2023 2022 Note RM RM RM RM CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Profit before taxation 40,162,694 40,565,499 22,343,674 37,357,766 Adjustments for: Amortisation of: - intangible assets 14 281,076 264,671 26,248 26,247 - contract liabilities 28(b) (11,826,749) (16,730,500) (1,347,539) (1,627,204) Bad debts written off 398,260 118,678 13,542 - Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 12 23,762,678 26,091,489 1,455,501 1,361,206 Dividend income - - (19,000,000) (38,000,000) Net impairment losses/(reversal of impairment losses) on: - property, plant and equipment 12(d) 56,353 - - - - trade and other receivables 1,184,870 1,701,026 (15,960) (99,143) - investments in subsidiaries 16(i) - - - (1,627,185) Fair value loss on other investment 21(f) 18,500 301,153 - 281,876 Fair value loss on financial guarantee contracts - - 145,440 - Unwinding of financial guarantee contracts - - (183,052) - Interest expense 1,909,544 1,378,181 1,132,820 545,153 Interest income (1,650,333) (2,181,126) (3,523,454) (2,000,798) Inventories written off 19(d) - 93,884 - - Inventories written back 19(f) - (1,042,266) - - (Gain)/Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment (excluding right-of-use assets) (3,099,914) 896,170 (192) (1,032) Gain on disposal of investment in an associate - (1,468,950) - - Gain on derecognition of right-of-use assets upon early settlement 13(e) - (3,603) - - Gain on lease termination 13(e) (873) (33,958) - - Loss on reassessment of right-of-use assets 13(e) 18,874 - - - Unrealised gain on foreign exchange, net (122,655) (8,436) (78,141) (16,145) Property, plant and equipment written off 12 147,611 336,214 - 448 Reversal of inventories written down 19(g) - (57,216) - - Share of profit of an associate 17(e) - (2,304) - - Operating profit/(loss) before changes in working capital 51,239,936 50,218,606 968,887 (3,798,811) STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023 87 ANNUAL REPORT 2023