GHL System Berhad Annual Report 2023

Group Company 2023 2022 2023 2022 Note RM RM RM RM Revenue 5 460,365,992 410,423,156 23,233,723 16,317,975 Cost of sales (308,131,891) (267,678,563) (2,652,935) (1,008,223) Gross profit 152,234,101 142,744,593 20,580,788 15,309,752 Other operating income 7,737,292 6,092,228 23,237,762 41,770,780 Administrative expenses (100,649,835) (90,424,370) (19,753,563) (18,509,584) Distribution expenses (14,304,004) (11,940,958) (409,555) (433,960) Other operating expenses (1,678,541) (2,626,446) (194,898) (333,212) Finance costs (1,991,449) (1,580,826) (1,132,820) (545,153) Net (loss)/gain on impairment of financial assets (1,184,870) (1,701,026) 15,960 99,143 Share of profit of associate, net of tax 17(e) - 2,304 - - Profit before taxation 6 40,162,694 40,565,499 22,343,674 37,357,766 Taxation 9 (11,343,092) (12,240,539) 633,844 (36,574) Profit for the financial year 28,819,602 28,324,960 22,977,518 37,321,192 Other comprehensive income Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss Foreign currency translations 9(d) 4,553,140 1,669,664 - - Reclassification adjustment relating to a subsidiary disposed off during the financial year - 248,826 - - 4,553,140 1,918,490 - - Item that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss Remeasurement of defined benefit liability, net of tax 9(d) (213,824) 1,080,392 - - Total other comprehensive income, net of tax 4,339,316 2,998,882 - - Total comprehensive income 33,158,918 31,323,842 22,977,518 37,321,192 STATEMENTS OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023 81 ANNUAL REPORT 2023