GHL System Berhad Annual Report 2023

KEY INTERNAL CONTROL PROCESSES (Cont’d) 6. Human Capital a. Performance Appraisal & Employee Trainings An annual appraisal system has been implemented for the employees at all levels within the Group. The Group enforces dialogue between Management and subordinates for continuous improvement on employees’ performance. Arising from this appraisal, training-need analysis is performed to identify the required training for employees and to address the required areas of improvement identified. b. Talent Retention & Succession Planning Talent plays a pivotal role in achieving the business objectives of the Group. Necessary processes have been put in place to assess talent for career development and succession planning. Roles and responsibilities are clearly defined in the job description for each position. A continuous improvement approach is implemented in the areas of operational efficiencies as well as manpower productivity. 7. Corporate Governance a. Code of Ethics and Conduct A set of Code of Ethics and Conduct, setting out expected ethical standards and code of conduct, has been established, which is binding on all employees in the Group, and is available on the official website b. Whistleblowing Policy The updated Whistleblowing Policy approved on 29 August 2023 provides an avenue for employees and all stakeholders to report, in a confidential manner, any suspected acts that are in breach of the Group’s code of ethics, internal policy, and applicable laws or regulations. This policy ensures that a corporate culture of integrity, transparency and accountability are promoted across the Group. This policy also guarantees that; an employee or stakeholder, making a report of improper conduct in good faith shall not be subject to reprisal action or discrimination of any kind by the Company. The Board and ARC Chairman are primarily responsible to ensure that all whistleblowing reports are properly followed up. c. Anti-Bribery and Corruption Group Policy The Group has implemented a very clear and definitive policy on acts of bribery and corruption. The purpose of the policy is to mitigate the risk of fraud and corruption by providing the specific procedures or instructions regarding the appropriate actions needed to be undertaken in cases of suspected violations. The Group adopts a zero-tolerance stance in all forms of bribery and corruption by its employees and business associates. d. Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing, and Unlawful Activities Policy The Group has implemented the policy on Anti–Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism, and Unlawful Activities, which is to establish the framework and specific procedures against money laundering, financing of terrorism, and unlawful activities. The Group is committed to high standards of anti-money laundering, financing of terrorism, and unlawful activities compliance and requires all Directors and employees across the Group to adhere to these standards to prevent the use of its products and services for money laundering or terrorism financing purposes. STATEMENT ON RISK MANAGEMENT AND INTERNAL CONTROL CONT’D 66 GHL SYSTEMS BERHAD 199401007361 (293040-D)