GHL System Berhad Annual Report 2023

SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT CONT’D 31 ANNUAL REPORT 2023 The Scope, Subject Matter(s) covered, and Conclusion Type of Assurance Material Matters Subject Matter Scope Conclusion Internal Review: Environment Climate Change Total energy consumption Operations assessed: Malaysia Thailand Philippines Based on the procedures we have performed and the evidence we have obtained, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the Subject Matter as presented in GHL Systems Behad’s Sustainability Statement have not been prepared and presented fairly, in all material respects, in accordance with the defined Criteria*. Scope 1 emissions in tonnes of CO2 Scope 2 emissions in tonnes of CO2 Scope 3 emissions in tonnes of CO2 (i.e. business travel) Waste Management Total waste generated, and a breakdown of the following: i. Total waste diverted from disposal ii. Total waste directed to disposal Water Stewardship Total volume of water used Social Diversity (D.E.I.) Percentage of employees by gender and age group, for each employee category Percentage of Directors by gender and age group Labour practices and standards Total hours of training by employees category Percentage of employees that are contractors or temporary staff Total number of employee turnover by employee Number of substantiated complaints concerning human rights violations Health and Safety Number of employees trained on health and safety CSR Total amount invested in the community where the target beneficiaries are external to the listed issuer Total number of beneficiaries of the investment in communities Supply Chain Management Proportion of spending on local suppliers Governance Anti-corruption Percentage of employees who have received training on anti-corruption by employee category Percentage of operations assessed for corruption-related risk Confirmed incidents of corruption and action taken Cyber security and Data Protection Number of substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data We will continue to improve on our data accuracy and quality to strengthen our disclosures moving forward by ensuring that all indicators will be subjected to independent assurance in the next 5 years. * Note: In preparing the Subject Matter mentioned above, GHL Systems Berhad applied the following criteria: t 5IF (MPCBM 3FQPSUJOH *OJUJBUJWF i(3*w 4UBOEBSET t ()- 4ZTUFNT #FSIBE T SFMFWBOU QPMJDJFT BOE QSPDFEVSFT