GHL System Berhad Annual Report 2023

SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT CONT’D 29 ANNUAL REPORT 2023 Indicator Measurement Unit 2021 2022 2023 Bursa (Diversity) cont’d Gender Group by Employee Category Management Male Percentage 65.7 63 59 Management Female Percentage 34.3 37 41 Executive Male Percentage 65.4 56 55 Executive Female Percentage 34.6 44 45 Non-executive/Technical Staff Male Percentage 54.5 65 65 Non-executive/Technical Staff Female Percentage 45.5 35 35 General Workers Male Percentage 0 0 0 General Workers Female Percentage 0 0 0 Bursa C3(b) Percentage of directors by gender and age group Male Percentage 66.7 63 63 Female Percentage 33.3 37 37 Under 30 Percentage 11 0 0 Between 30-50 Percentage 11 12.5 12.5 Above 50 Percentage 78 87.5 87.5 Bursa (Energy management) Bursa C4(a) Total energy consumption Megawatt 1,769.97 1,791.45 2,013.98 Bursa (Health and safety) Bursa C5(a) Number of work-related fatalities Number 0 0 0 Bursa C5(b) Lost time incident rate (“LTIR”) Rate - - No Data Provided Bursa C5(c) Number of employees trained on health and safety standards Number - - 20 Bursa (Labour practices and standards) Bursa C6(a) Total hours of training by employee category Management Hours - - No Data Provided Executive Hours - - No Data Provided Non-executive/Technical Staff Hours - - No Data Provided General Workers Hours 0 0 0 Bursa C6(b) Percentage of employees that are contractors or temporary staff Percentage - - No Data Provided Bursa C6(c) Total number of employee turnover by employee category Management Number 38 30 17 Executive Number 38 61 48 Non-executive/Technical Staff Number 123 146 128 General Workers Number 0 0 0 Bursa C6(d) Number of substantiated complaints concerning human rights violations Number 0 0 0 Internal assurance External assurance No assurance (*) Restated