GHL System Berhad Annual Report 2023

SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT CONT’D 27 ANNUAL REPORT 2023 RISK MANAGEMENT (Cont’d) Addressing Our Climate-Related Risks GHL efforts continue to evolve and improve to help overcome increasing climate challenges. Our efforts to mitigate climate change include: t Reducing energy consumption through energy efficient fixtures and renewable energy adoption. t Adopting sustainable materials / methods to decrease material waste and the use of natural resources to reduce embodied carbon footprint of technology in the Fintech industry. t Tracking, reporting and managing all aspects of our sustainability performance in our core business. t Advocating responsible practices along our supply chain and amongst internal and external stakeholders. t Partnering industry players and policy makers to develop policies and innovations to achieve our business goals in a sustainable way. Inculcating a Culture of Risk Awareness For optimum risk management, our staff need to understand the risks we are experiencing and to be part of the actions to manage or mitigate them. We continuously seek to cultivate a strong risk culture via Risk Management sessions that are organised with members of the entities’ Leadership teams in driving risk management activities. The Group’s Operational Risk team complements these sessions with risk engagements within the organisation that provides information sharing of latest risk trends towards inculcating the right risk culture at GHL. Business Continuity Management Business Continuity Management complements Group Risk activities by ensuring that GHL is able to withstand unexpected shocks without any interruption to its operations. GHL has established a comprehensive Business Continuity Plan (BCP) under which key/high risk functions are assessed using a Business Impact Analysis (BIA) module. The BIA clearly outlines the functionality of people, processes, and systems, and evaluates the impact of any failure in these functionalities. All key functional heads review the BCP on an annual basis. METRICS AND TARGETS Measuring and reporting on carbon emissions from direct and indirect sources enable us to manage our carbon footprint and accelerate our journey towards achieving net zero emissions by 2050. While we continue to report our carbon emissions according to Scope 1, 2 and 3 using the best emissions reporting practices, we have mainly been focusing on reducing Scope 2 carbon emissions, where we have direct operational control. In 2023, we stepped up our efforts to measure our Scope 1 and 3 carbon emissions and to strategise to reduce our carbon emissions. All our carbon emission data follow the methodologies in accordance with the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard, IFCCC and the harmonized grid emission factor data set by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. In 2023, we embarked on gathering carbon emissions data for our scope 3 measurements: business travel (including employees’ commuting), and purchasing of goods and services. The initiative was part of our effort to measure and track our Scope 3 GHG emissions, in line with Bursa Malaysia’s enhanced sustainability requirements. At GHL, we track our climate-related performance using the following metrics: t 4DPQF 4DPQF BOE MJNJUFE 4DPQF J F CVTJOFTT USBWFM BOE FNQMPZFF DPNNVUJOH FNJTTJPO UPOOFT $02) t &OFSHZ DPOTVNQUJPO L8I t 8BTUF HFOFSBUFE UPOOFT t 8BUFS VTFE N3)