GHL System Berhad Annual Report 2023

SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT CONT’D 25 ANNUAL REPORT 2023 MAPPING OUR MATERIAL MATTERS (Cont’d) UN SDGs Material Sustainability Matters Key Stakeholder Groups Key Highlights and Management Approach Environmental Excellence Climate Change t 3FHVMBUPST Government t 4IBSFIPMEFST Investors 1. Continued periodic review of Climate Change & Risk Policy. 2. Continued monitoring of our climate risk through the GHL Crisis Management Strategy Policy. 3. Continued collaboration with the CEO Action Network (“CAN”) to advocate for affirmative climate action amongst business leaders. 4. Continued transition and migration from onpremise data centres to cloud computing utilizing Amazon Web Services as it is more energy efficient and utilizes renewable energy. 5. Usage of renewable energy through the photovoltaic solar panels on the headquarter office building. Waste Management t 3FHVMBUPST Government t -PDBM Community 1. Amount of waste generated was negligible due to work-from-home arrangements. 2. Collaborated with TrashCycle for proper waste management through creating awareness among the employees in the collection of plastic wastes. 3. Electronic waste from obsolete terminals is disposed of through specialised waste management firms and in accordance to the national regulation and industry best practices. Water Stewardship t -PDBM Community 1. Group’s water related risks in water-scarce region such as Australia is deemed negligible due to minimal size of its operations. 2. Total water consumption amounted to 6,221 m3, an increase compared to FY2022 due to staff returning to office post pandemic. Partnership for the Goals Partnerships t 1SJWBUF BOE public bodies 1. Active collaboration with CEO Action Network (CAN) in accelerating sustainable business practices in Malaysia. 2. Collaboration with CSO-SDG Alliance Event: Partnership for the Goals Note: More detailed disclosure of GHL’s management approach is available in our Sustainability Report 2023.