GHL System Berhad Annual Report 2023

SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT CONT’D 22 GHL SYSTEMS BERHAD 199401007361 (293040-D) MAPPING OUR MATERIAL MATTERS We have categorised all material sustainability matters under the four sustainability pillars, and have mapped each one to the relevant stakeholder groups’ adopted SDGs as well as the management approach. UN SDGs Material Sustainability Matters Key Stakeholder Groups Key Highlights and Management Approach Corporate Business and Integrity Customer Data Privacy t $VTUPNFST 1. Periodic review of Privacy Statement with the Board’s oversight and ensuring the Statement is publicly available to stakeholders. Cyber Security t 3FHVMBUPST Government 1. Compliance with the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (“PCISSC”). 2. Dedicated IT professionals supported by robust company policies/procedures. 3. Established a comprehensive playbook to identify and handle suspected cyber security threats. Anti-Money Laundering Policy t 3FHVMBUPST Government t 4IBSFIPMEFST Investors 1. Reviewed and updated the Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing and Proceeds of Unlawful Activities Policy in 2022. 2. Periodic review of Policy with audits conducted, which did not identify any risk areas or noncompliance. 3. Comprehensive employee training on customer due diligence and detection of suspicious transactions. Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy t 3FHVMBUPST Government t &NQMPZFFT 1. Reviewed and updated the Anti-Bribery and Corruption (“ABC”) Policy in 2022 to ensure alignment with Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (“MACC”). 2. Annual training on ABC Policy, with additional MACC training for GHL Malaysia employees. 3. Group-wide on-boarding assessment, with zero operational areas identified as high risk and zero incidents of corruption recorded. Whistleblowing Policy t &NQMPZFFT 1. Reviewed and updated the Whistleblowing Policy in 2023, with translations available in the language of GHL’s respective countries of operation. 2. Received zero reports through the whistleblowing channel in FY2023, and disposed with accordingly. Customer Due Diligence t $VTUPNFST 1. Established a Know-Your-Customer customer due diligence (“CDD”) procedure for customer identification and background check. 2. Conducted a review of the CDD process which uncovered a potential risk area that was amended promptly.