GHL System Berhad Annual Report 2023

SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT CONT’D 20 GHL SYSTEMS BERHAD 199401007361 (293040-D) KEY PERFORMANCE HIGHLIGHTS The table below highlights the progress of GHL’s contribution to the 2050 Net Zero targets and our sustainability practices. The selected KPIs are aligned with our Four Core Sustainability Pillars and will be tracked on an annual basis. Our Four Core Pillars Our Targets Our Progress in FY2023 Corporate and Business Integrity 100% of our employees to complete annual training on our Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy (“ABC”) Achieved Customer Growth To maintain a Net Promoter Score, with a target of above 50% by FY2025 Achieved Environmental Excellence To achieve 50% reduction in carbon emissions of our assets and operations by 2030 In-Progress z We have installed photovoltaic solar panels in our headquarters (HQ) office – to reduce reliance of grid electricity. z We are in the process to transition our operations on to the cloud, through partnership with Amazon Web Services (AWS). Sustainable Workforce and Community To conduct four Corporate Social Responsibility (“CSR”) programmes throughout our reporting period. Achieved GHL MATERIALITY ASSESSMENT The prioritisation of our 19 material sustainability matters is illustrated in the matrix below which outlines the ranking of each material matter based on its importance to GHL’s business operations and to the stakeholder groups. For FY2023, material topics under the Corporate and Business Integrity pillar ranked ‘Very High’, highlighting its significance to the Group and the stakeholders. Our reporting approach reflects improvements in management of our material sustainability matters by consolidating them under the four sustainability pillars. We aim to enhance our sustainability disclosures to be more transparent to our stakeholders.