GHL System Berhad Annual Report 2023

SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT CONT’D 18 GHL SYSTEMS BERHAD 199401007361 (293040-D) OUR APPROACH TO SUSTAINABILITY (Cont’d) The Group’s sustainability values and framework are the key elements of our business practice in working towards becoming a more sustainable and socially responsible company that embraces sustainability values across all our business practices. The Group’s sustainability framework demonstrates the interconnectedness of our four sustainability pillars, supported by our reporting practices, initiatives, targets, and a culture of shared accountability to better reflect the company’s key focus areas and priorities. Our sustainability framework consists of four core sustainability pillars: t 1JMMBS $PSQPSBUF BOE #VTJOFTT *OUFHSJUZ t 1JMMBS $VTUPNFS (SPXUI t 1JMMBS 4VTUBJOBCMF 8PSLGPSDF BOE $PNNVOJUZ t 1JMMBS &OWJSPONFOUBM &YDFMMFODF We are committed to enhancing our business model in accordance with our Sustainability Framework, with the aim to create, deliver, and capture value for all our stakeholders without depleting the natural, economic, and social capital that we rely on. This is in line with our corporate commitments that address climate change, social injustice, and corporate governance; our membership in the CEO Action Network (“CAN”); and in accordance with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (“UN SDGs”). OUR SUSTAINABILITY JOURNEY GHL’s sustainability journey is a continued effort which sets out our progress towards our stated sustainability goals. Our journey consists of projects, activities, and initiatives from the beginning of our sustainability journey in 2021 and spanning through the end of 2023. The below illustration, captures our journey to realize our sustainability strategy of achieving low-carbon operations, and commitment to Net Zero Emissions by 2050, in line with the 2015 Paris Agreement – leading to positive impacts for both our organisation and the planet. SUSTAINABILITY JOURNEY 2021 2022 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Our Continuous Initiatives 2023 z Creation of Sustainability Framework z Adoption of UN SDGs four goals – SDG : 8,9,13,16 z Establishment of KPI for measuring and tracking ESG z Instituted Sustainability Governance Structure z Communication to stakeholder engagement z Mapping Materiality Assessment z Implementation of New Policies – Anti Money Laundering Policy, Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy, Whistleblowing Policy z Ensuring employee Diversity and Inclusivity z GHL Wellness Month z Partner Eco Ninja - 300 units tree planting z Installation of Solar Panel z Initiation to achieve 50% reduction in carbon emission by 2030 and net zero by 2050 z CAN – Co Lead for Work stream 2 z Workspace Flexibility – Work from home z CAN – Co Lead : Circular Economy z Complete 4 policies: Gender Diversity Policy, Labour & Human Rights Policy, Senior Management Remuneration Policy & Procedure, Climate Change Policy z CAN – Co Lead : Human Rights z Energy Consumption Tracker z Collaboration CAN: CSO – SDG z Partnership Activities : GHL CSR Box of Happiness z Listed in the FTSE4 Good Bursa Malaysia z Trueventus participation to share our insights. z Adoption of 17 SDGs z Published Sustainability Report 2022 z GHL’s ESG Supplier Assessment 2023 z 10 May 2023: CAN – Co Lead: Supply Chain z 17 May 2023: Collaboration CAN: BSR – Supply Chain z 22 June 2023: CAN – Lead: Cybersecurity z 22 July 2023: Biodiversity Impact Programme with Urban Hijau – Stage 1: Beekeeper Workshop z 20 September 2023: Partnering with CIMB – Cooler Earth Summit z Carbon Emissions Management - Measuring and Reporting of TCFD and Scope 1, 2 and 3 Emissions z Collaboration With CEO Action Network (“CAN”) z Photovoltaic Solar Panel z Partnering with EcoNinja on the Greening Malaysia Programme 2021-2025