GHL System Berhad Annual Report 2023

SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT CONT’D 17 ANNUAL REPORT 2023 SUSTAINABILITY GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE (Cont’d) The SC is spearheaded by the Group Head of Legal, Compliance & Sustainability alongside the Group’s Heads of Departments (“HOD”) who are responsible for managing the Group’s sustainability initiatives. The SC is further assisted by the Sustainability Working Groups which implements the initiatives at operational level. Our sustainability leadership consists of four tiers, each with its own role and responsibility as illustrated in the diagram below. Board of Directors Holds ultimate accountability for GHL’s Sustainability Strategy Group CEO Responsible for overall implementation and management of GHL’s sustainability performance Sustainability Committee Led by Group Head of Legal Compliance & Sustainability Proposes ESG initiatives and provides oversight over the Company’s sustainability practices Sustainability Working Group Responsible for Data collection and implementation of ESG initiatives at operational level OUR APPROACH TO SUSTAINABILITY GHL is exploring and implementing sustainable solutions to address local and global challenges across its operating businesses. GHL’s Sustainability framework unifies these initiatives under the shared objective of strengthening our business resilience and enhancing our ability to adapt to climate impacts. At GHL, we are determined to raise awareness and educate not only our employees but also our clients, partners and stakeholders across the ASEAN region. Our effort includes incorporating and emphasising our environmental, social and governance (ESG) messaging in both our internal and external communication channels. GHL’s long-term targets include achieving lowcarbon operations, and committing to Net-Zero Emissions by 2050, in line with the 2015 Paris Agreement. GHL is committed to contributing towards the transition to a low carbon economy. We have initiated the process of integrating the TCFD Recommendations within our sustainability statement this year, ahead of the regulatory requirements of Bursa Securities’ Main Market Listing Requirements. In positioning GHL for longterm success and climate resilience in a rapidly changing business environment, we strive to manage the climate-related risks and capture the opportunities which may impact our business, strategy, and financial planning.