GHL System Berhad Annual Report 2023

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2023 CONT’D 26. TRADE AND OTHER PAYABLES Group Company 2023 2022 2023 2022 RM RM RM RM Trade payables Third parties 112,797,475 79,093,100 - - Subsidiaries - - 307,235 79,949 112,797,475 79,093,100 307,235 79,949 Other payables Third parties 109,132,919 121,297,918 559,026 562,597 Amounts owing to subsidiaries - - 82,242 - Deposits 9,360,514 9,907,443 600,000 601,879 Accruals 20,402,078 18,596,106 2,183,528 2,270,709 138,895,511 149,801,467 3,424,796 3,435,185 Total trade and other payables 251,692,986 228,894,567 3,732,031 3,515,134 (a) Trade and other payables are classified as financial liabilities and measured at amortised cost. (b) Trade payables are non-interest bearing and the normal trade credit terms granted to the Group and the Company range from 1 to 90 days and 30 to 60 days (2022: 1 to 90 days and 30 to 60 days) respectively. (c) Other payables of the Group and the Company consist prepayments received from retailers, merchants payables and/or general administrative expenses payable which are non-interest bearing. (d) Included in other payables of the Company are amounts owing to subsidiaries of RM82,242 (2022: RM Nil), which are unsecured, interest-free and payable within next twelve (12) months. (e) The maturity profile of trade and other payables of the Group and of the Company at the reporting date based on contractual undiscounted repayment obligations is repayable on demand or within one (1) year. (f) The currency exposure profiles of trade and other payables are as follows: Group Company 2023 2022 2023 2022 RM RM RM RM Ringgit Malaysia (“RM”) 212,735,400 208,465,392 3,728,588 3,497,127 Philippines Peso (“PHP”) 14,995,182 4,608,943 - - Thai Baht (“THB”) 3,602,029 7,072,880 - - Australian Dollar (“AUD”) 96,420 66,219 - - Indonesian Rupiah (“IDR”) 437,054 584,186 - - United States Dollar (“USD”) 19,800,720 8,089,047 3,443 18,007 Singapore Dollar (“SGD”) 26,181 7,900 - - 251,692,986 228,894,567 3,732,031 3,515,134 151 ANNUAL REPORT 2023