GHL System Berhad Annual Report 2023

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2023 CONT’D 12. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT Group Balance as at 1.1.2023 Additions Reassessment Transferred to inventories (Note 19(e)) Reclassification Written off Disposals/ Termination Depreciation charges for the financial year Impairment for the financial year Exchange differences Balance as at 31.12.2023 2023 RM RM RM RM RM RM RM RM RM RM RM Carrying amount Long term leasehold land: - Right-of-use assets 1,345,959 - - - - - - (16,414) - - 1,329,545 Buildings: - Owned 14,447,644 - - - - - - (320,515) - 170,100 14,297,229 - Right-of-use assets 3,064,469 274,424 721,438 - - (34,301) (1,207,278) 42,890 2,861,642 Computer equipment 2,803,738 1,996,618 - - - (2,063) (190) (1,701,354) (56,329) 34,559 3,074,979 EDC equipment: - Owned 61,791,792 50,483,817 - (20,237,849) 259,488 (144,487) (5,154,690) (16,772,525) (9) 778,184 71,003,721 - Right-of-use assets 1,947,479 - - - (259,488) (1,042) - (1,765,317) - 78,368 - Computer software 1,010,479 352,678 - - - (2) - (330,548) - 21,164 1,053,771 Motor vehicles: - Owned 113,891 - - - 32,117 - (10,421) (50,482) - 5,366 90,471 - Right-of-use assets 775,144 96,236 - - (32,117) - - (299,101) - - 540,162 Furniture, fittings and office equipment: - Owned 1,739,431 394,256 - - - (17) - (386,531) (15) 9,781 1,756,905 - Right-of-use assets 123,849 10,743 - - - - - (44,402) - - 90,190 Renovation 1,674,375 230,144 - - - - - (868,211) - 2,119 1,038,427 90,838,25053,838,916 721,438 (20,237,849) - (147,611) (5,199,602) (23,762,678) (56,353) 1,142,531 97,137,042 102 GHL SYSTEMS BERHAD 199401007361 (293040-D)