ENRA Group Berhad Annual Report 2024

66 ENRA GROUP BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2024 Sustainability Report (Cont’d) The Group is committed to ensuring it upholds all laws and regulations in the jurisdictions in which it operates and maintains a zero-tolerance policy toward unlawful and unethical human rights abuses and discrimination. The Code of Business Conduct Policy has been formulated and includes relevant international and domestic human rights standards to cultivate resilient governance structures, protocols, and ethical behaviours across the Group. This policy encompasses the following: • CONDUCIVE WORKING ENVIRONMENT All employees must treat each other as well as ENRA Group’s business partners and stakeholders inclusively, with dignity and respect. • EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY Any decision on recruitment, development, advancement or retirement of any employee must not be influenced by race, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, class, religion, politics, smoking habits, or any other characteristic protected by law. • BULLYING AND HARASSMENT FREE The Group has a zero tolerance policy for any form of unsolicited or unwarranted verbal, non-verbal, visual, psychological or physical harassment of a sexual nature, sexual attention, advances, annoyance, coercion or assault, inside or outside the workplace. If as a result of carrying out work assignments or acting for and on behalf of the ENRA Group, this is not adhered to, such conduct will be treated as a major misconduct. • COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE RULES AND REGULATION. The Group is committed to conducting its operations in compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations with respect to human rights. • PROHIBITING CHILD AND FORCED LABOUR The engagement or use of child or forced labour is strictly prohibited. The Group’s Employee Handbook outlines employees’ rights, benefits, and ethical workplace protocols, in addition to delineating the Group’s policies, labour standards, grievance mechanisms, and other described SOPs. Briefings on this handbook are conducted during the induction process for improved communication clarity and increased inclusivity in adhering to its content. The Group also consistently communicates updates on employment practices and human rights to employees via inductions, briefings, training, emails, memos, and other digital platforms. Strict disciplinary action will be carried out to anyone within the Group who violates these standards. These disciplinary actions may comprise verbal inquiries, warnings, job suspension or termination as well as dissolving contracts. ENRA’s employment practices and human rights approach also extend to its supply chain, as embedded in the Vendor Code of Conduct. In FYE 2024, there were no reported incidents of human rights violations, discrimination or non-compliance with human rights laws, rules and regulations. • GRIEVANCE MECHANISM In the event of grievances, the Group’s management explicitly upholds employees’ rights to engage in the grievance procedures if issues remain unresolved. Employees have complete access to ENRA’s official grievance mechanisms, as outlined in its Employee Relations SOP, enabling them to report dissatisfaction or express concerns regarding company-related matters and human rights issues. In FYE 2024, no cases of grievances concerning labour practices or human rights were recorded.