ENRA Group Berhad Annual Report 2024

63 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE The electricity consumption data for FYE 2020 to FYE 2023 outlined above reflects the usage at two distinct office locations of ENRA. The first is situated at Publika in Kuala Lumpur, accommodating ENRA Group. The second is located at Plaza Azalea in Shah Alam, serving as the office for Q Homes. In FYE 2024, the Group began tracking the electricity consumption of its newly occupied office for EES starting from January 2024. It is essential to note that the electricity and water consumption data associated with property development during the construction phase does not fall under Scope 2 for ENRA, as this data is attributed to the contractor responsible for those activities. TOTAL ENERGY CONSUMPTION (GJ) 46,445 101,079 110,328 103,079 64,951 111 85 77 92 85 46,556 101,164 110,406 103,171 65,036 From Fuel From elecricity Total FYE 2020 FYE 2021 FYE 2022 FYE 2023 FYE 2024 The total energy consumption, including energy from fuel and electricity amounted to 65,036 GigaJoules in FYE 2024. ENERGY INTENSITY (GJ/RM’000) 0.21 0.90 1.25 3.38 2.09 FYE 2020 FYE 2021 FYE 2022 FYE 2023 FYE 2024 In the future, ENRA is committed to enhancing its data collection processes across its operations. WATER MANAGEMENT Effective water resource management is integral to environmental protection and an essential facet of our daily work and lifestyles. ENRA acknowledges the significance of water as a crucial resource extensively utilised in various aspects of its operations, business premises, and vessel. Recognising water as a scarce and critical resource, the company underscores the need for responsible management in alignment with industry best practices. The Group's ongoing commitment involves minimising water consumption at its business premises and throughout its operations through the implementation of effective water-saving practices. ENRA primarily relies on municipal water supply as its main water source. The Group adopts a holistic approach to water management, implementing initiatives that involve monitoring and tracking the usage of water-saving fittings and overall water consumption. These efforts align with the Group’s sustainability goals, reflecting its commitment to responsible water usage and conservation. Sustainability Report (Cont’d)