ENRA Group Berhad Annual Report 2024

45 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Sustainability Report (Cont’d) III. Regulatory Certification for Property Development Products The Group's property development subsidiary, Q Homes Sdn. Bhd. (“Q Homes”), incorporates industrial building systems ("IBS") into its development project in Dengkil, Selangor. The utilisation of these systems entails strict adherence to specific building codes, safety regulations, and environmental standards. Ensuring that the IBS products align with these regulations and standards is paramount to guaranteeing the safety of workers, the public, and environmental preservation. For instance, the illustration below presents two distinct certificates issued by Bomba. These certificates confirm the fire ratings of the products employed in the Dengkil property development project of the Group. INFORMATION SECURITY AND PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION • DATA PRIVACY AND SECURITY ENRA collects a significant amount of stakeholder data for business purposes, and thus it remains crucial to secure this data and ensure its confidentiality. The Group continues to ensure the confidentiality of its stakeholders’ personal information, in line with the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA 2010). The Group has sustained its efforts to safeguard company assets by maintaining a proactive stance against cybersecurity threats, implementing fail-safe mechanisms, monitoring tools and fast responses. Additionally, ENRA has heightened awareness among its employees by fostering a culture of knowledge sharing regarding cybersecurity and data privacy best practices in their day-to-day tasks. ENRA distributes Privacy and Personal Data Protection Consent Forms to relevant individuals and organisations for acknowledgement of its data privacy management. In FYE 2024, ENRA did not receive any substantiated complaints regarding breaches of stakeholder privacy or instances of data loss. Likewise, there were no reported data breaches or noncompliance with privacy frameworks throughout FYE 2024. The Group remains committed to upholding its strong track record in safeguarding the privacy of stakeholders, with a special focus on its valued customers.