ENRA Group Berhad Annual Report 2024

42 ENRA GROUP BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2024 Sustainability Report (Cont’d) • COMPREHENSIVE CORPORATE GOVERNANCE POLICIES The Group has a comprehensive set of corporate governance policies in place that provide guidance for achieving a high standard of EESG compliance across its business divisions. Most of ENRA’s policies are primarily intended for Group-wide implementation as seen in the below table, which can be accessed at the following link: https://www.enra.com.my/investor-relations/ under Corporate Governance section of ENRA’s website. • FINANCIAL AND PROJECT GOVERNANCE ENRA’s Group Finance Department (“GFD”) upholds a clear vision and mission. It operates under an efficiently designed organisational structure led by a dedicated management team with relevant business and technical expertise. The department adheres to established finance policies, standards, and procedures, which are regularly updated to enhance operational efficiency. Furthermore, ENRA has implemented the Limit of Authority Policy, which centralises transactional approvals at the Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer levels. Rigorous scrutiny and assurance of financial control and reporting occur through internal and external audits. Meetings with the EXCO serve as the primary monitoring process for all Group departments and subsidiaries. The Group holds Bi-weekly Group Management Committee (“GMC”) Meetings, providing comprehensive information to Management for effective monitoring. Additionally, Monthly Performance Review (“MPR”) meetings assess performance against strategic plans, encompassing key financial, operational, oil & gas, and property venture indicators. ENRA enforces detailed budgeting processes, necessitating periodic budget reviews by all business units. These budgets undergo discussion and approval by the President & CEO and subsequently the Board. The Group Chief Financial Officer delivers quarterly financial information to the Board, ensuring the exposure of significant variances. Corporate Governance Report Corporate Governance Overview Statement Statement On Risk Management and Internal Control Board Charter Audit, Risk Management and Sustainability Committee Board Nomination and Remuneration Committee Employee Share Scheme Committee Constitution Anti-Corruption Policy Whistleblowing Policy Vendor Code of Conduct Directors’ Code of Ethics Code of Business Conduct Gifts and Hospitality Reporting Guidelines Sustainability (ESG) Policy Diversity Policy Directors’ Fit& Proper Policy Remuneration Policy for Directors & Senior Management Investor Relation/ Stakeholder Communications Policy