ENRA Group Berhad Annual Report 2024

33 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Sustainability Report (Cont’d) ALIGNMENT WITH THE UNITED NATIONS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS (“UN SDGs”) The UN SDGs are a blueprint for a better shared future. ENRA has strategically decided to focus its corporate efforts towards aligning to eight key UN SDGs after taking careful consideration on how it can drive positive change. The table below shows how the Group linked its sustainability efforts in FYE 2024 to its adopted UN SDGs, and how it has subsequently influenced the type of future sustainability targets and plans that ENRA has set: Material Topics Focus Areas Link To UNSDG Economic • Economic Performance • Innovation & Technology • Operation Management & Asset Utilisation • Product and Services Responsibility • Economic Value Generated and Distributed • Maintaining Strong Quality Management in Energy Services • Enhancing Product Quality Management in Property Development • Strengthening Product Quality Management for MRO Services • Monitoring For Sustainable Business • Ensuring Business Continuity • Overview and Outlook of the Malaysian Economy Overview and outlook of the United Kingdom Economy • Overview and Outlook of the Group Operational Division • Energy Logistic Services • MRO services • Property Development Environment • GHG Emission & Climate Change • Energy Management • Water Management • Waste and Effluent • Climate Change Roadmap • Scope 1,2 and 3 Emission • Emission Intensity • Energy Consumption & Intensity • Water Consumption & Intensity • Recyclable & Non-recyclable Waste Generation