ENRA Group Berhad Annual Report 2024

31 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Sustainability Report (Cont’d) APPROACH ON PRIORITISED MATERIAL TOPICS Following the conducted reassessment exercise, ENRA has identified its material EESG topics based on the extent of their impact on both financial and non-financial value creation. The Group subsequently aims to address and mitigate these material topics through the implementation of management approaches, with a strong emphasis on rigorous monitoring to gauge their effectiveness. This includes scrutinising how each management approach addresses the correlation between the environmental and social impacts on the Group’s financial performance, while also taking into account stakeholders' concerns and viewpoints. STAKEHOLDERS ENGAGEMENT AND COMMUNICATION ENRA defines its stakeholders as individuals, entities, or organisations who are affected by the Group's business model and operations, and conversely, those who possess the capacity to influence the Group's business model and operations. Engaging and communicating with stakeholders holds significant importance in promoting sustainability within ENRA, as it serves to propagate sustainability awareness and understanding, both internally and externally. The Group recognises that continuous and ongoing engagement with its valued stakeholders remains essential in ensuring that its sustainability approach incorporates the perspectives of stakeholders concerning both financial and non-financial value creation. The Group, through its Group Commercial Department (“GCD”) and active participation of its management team, maintains regular two-way communication with its stakeholders to keep them updated with the latest development of the group. The Group engages its stakeholders primarily through annual or extraordinary general meetings. Other forms of communication may include email correspondence, phone calls and letters. The Group routinely publishes its quarterly unaudited financial results and where appropriate, press releases to update its stakeholders on pertinent matters and developments. In FYE 2024, ENRA conducted its 31st AGM on September 7, 2023. The notice convening the 31st AGM of ENRA, dated July 27, 2023, was issued more than 28 days prior to the AGM, in line with the corporate governance practice of providing at least 28 days’ notice for AGMs. This year, ENRA has improved its reporting in this section by sharing some of the key outcomes of its engagements. Engagement Methods Frequency Concerns & Interests Engagement Response Customers • Company website • Email & phone calls • Meetings • Site visits • Project launch • Surveys • Throughout the year • Ongoing • Customer experience • Contractual term • Social welfare • Legal and regulatory compliance • Timely response from management • Organising customer engagement activities (booth) • Adherence to law and regulations Employees • Engagement surveys • Emails and memos • Meetings & trainings • Performance appraisal • Throughout the year • Ongoing • Business strategy and direction • Organisation growth • Remuneration, welfare and benefits • Reward and recognition • Training and career development • Work-life balance • Regular updates on company strategy and performance • Transparent performance appraisal process and rewards scheme • Provision of training programmes • Organising a variety of employee engagement activities