ENRA Group Berhad Annual Report 2024

29 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Sustainability Report (Cont’d) MATERIAL TOPICS • ASSESSING AND PRIORITSING MATERIALITY The Group determines its material topics by considering the sustainability pillars (EESG), sustainability themes, pledged commitments, stakeholder perspectives, and business trajectory. The latest assessment of material topics was performed in FYE 2020, and since then, these identified topics have been consistently monitored up until the preceding financial year, FYE 2023. Shifts in ENRA's landscape prompted by events like the macroeconomic repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic, the introduction of MRO Services as a new business segment, business divestment, and workforce rationalisation have necessitated a reevaluation of the Group's material topics. This is aimed at aligning more precisely with our stakeholders' current material concerns and further fortifying the sustainability of the Group's business operations. This year, ENRA embarked on a reassessment exercise of its material topics to ensure the alignment of the Group's prioritisation with the prevailing business environment. Throughout the materiality assessment and prioritisation process, ENRA demonstrated diligence and inclusiveness by incorporating the feedback and perspectives of all valued stakeholders engaged in the Group's operations. • MATERIALITY ASSESSMENT AND PRIORITISATION METHODOLOGY The Group has set determined in its Sustainability Policy to undertake the materiality assessment and prioritisation exercise every four years to ensure that the material matters remain timely and relevant, while also allowing time to incorporate them into strategies. In the early stages, materiality assessment and prioritisation surveys were developed based on Bursa Guidelines as well as specialised toolkits and peer examples. These surveys comprehensively encompassed materiality assessment and prioritisation topics, spanning Economic, Environmental, Social, and Governance material aspects. Subsequently, digital surveys were then established and distributed virtually, enabling a wider coverage of respondents. The materiality assessment and prioritisation process comprise three key steps: IDENTIFICATION A list of relevant sustainability topics was identi ed by the Group, referencing the Bursa Malaysia’s Sustainability Reporting Guide 3rd Edition, GRI Standards, and broader sustainability trends. This also encompassed peer comparative analysis, sector issues and media reviews. The Group also identi ed key stakeholders to ensure that their interests and concerns are included when determining the shortlisted material topics. STEP 01 PRIORITISATION The Group prioritised material topics based on the results of the materiality assessment survey, which involved the participation of key business functions and management personnel within the Group. For prioritisation, the Group considered the matters signi cance to ENRA and importance to its stakeholders, derived through interests and concerns gathered from the Group’s prior communication and engagement with them. A materiality matrix was generated from the survey’s results. STEP 02 VALIDATION The materiality matrix was reviewed and validated through discussion with key senior management. Subsequently, the re ned matrix was presented and approved by the Board. STEP 03