ENRA Group Berhad Annual Report 2024

22 ENRA GROUP BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2024 Corporate Governance Overview Statement (Cont’d) PRINCIPLE C — INTEGRITY IN CORPORATE REPORTING AND MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIP WITH STAKEHOLDERS I. Communication with Stakeholders The Board recognises the importance of effective and timely communication with shareholders and the investors to ensure they make informed decisions. The Company keeps shareholders abreast of the financial performance and the future developments of the Group by way of the annual report, announcements of quarterly financial results and significant transactions made through Bursa Securities as well as press releases. The Company, through its internal Investor Relations representatives and the active participation of its management team, maintains regular two-way communication with the investment community, media and its financiers to keep them updated with the latest developments. ENRA’s website is regularly updated to provide information relevant to shareholders and other stakeholders. The website also has an email alerts service where shareholders and anyone who is interested may register to receive the latest news and announcements on the Group. The Group adopted an Investor Relations/Stakeholder Communication Policy to provide accurate and timely disclosure of corporate and other related information to enable informed and orderly decision-making by our stakeholders. The Investor Relations/Stakeholder Communication Policy is available on the Company’s website (www.enra.my). II. Conduct of General Meetings The AGM of the Company serves as the primary platform for two-way dialogue with shareholders. The Company had on 7 September 2023, conducted its 31st AGM virtually through live streaming and online remote voting using the Remote Participation and Voting (“RPV”) facility. The RPV allows attendance of shareholders and proxies via remote participation, voting in absentia and real-time interaction with the Board and Senior Management. Questions to the Board were allowed to be submitted in advance and through the real time submission of typed texts during the proceedings of the meetings. Further, in line with Practice 13.1 of the MCCG 2021, the notice convening the 31st AGM dated 27 July 2023 was issued more than 28 days prior to the AGM, which gives shareholders sufficient time to prepare themselves to attend the AGM of the Company or to appoint a proxy to attend and vote on their behalf. Each item of special businesses included in the notice of AGM is accompanied by an explanatory statement for the proposed resolution to facilitate the full understanding and evaluation of the issues involved. During the 31st AGM held on 7 September 2023, shareholders were briefed on the voting procedures and the results of the poll were verified by the independent scrutineer, Commercial Quest Sdn Bhd and displayed on the screen. The results of all resolutions proposed at the 31st AGM were subsequently announced to Bursa Securities via Bursa LINK on the same day for the benefit of all shareholders. The minutes of the 31st AGM detailing the meeting proceedings including issues or concerns raised by shareholders and responses by the Company are accessible at the Company’s website (www.enra.my). KEY FOCUS AREAS AND FUTURE PROSPECTS The Board is committed to cultivating a responsible organisation and will regularly review and refine the Group’s CG practices to maintain a sensible and solid framework for effective governance in the interest of the shareholders and stakeholders. This CG Overview Statement was approved by the Board of ENRA on 20 June 2024.