ENRA Group Berhad Annual Report 2024

Indicator Measurement Unit 2024 Bursa (Anti-corruption) Bursa C1(a) Percentage of employees who have received training on anti-corruption by employee category Management Percentage 100.00 Executive & Non-executive Percentage 100.00 Bursa C1(b) Percentage of operations assessed for corruption-related risks Percentage 100.00 Bursa C1(c) Confirmed incidents of corruption and action taken Number 0 Bursa (Data privacy and security) Bursa C8(a) Number of substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data Number 0 Bursa (Supply chain management) Bursa C7(a) Proportion of spending on local suppliers Percentage 30.00 Bursa (Energy management) Bursa C4(a) Total energy consumption Megawatt 0.00 Bursa C4(a) Total energy consumption Gigajoules 65,036.00 Energy Intensity (Gigajoule/Revenue) GJ/RM’000 2.09 Bursa (Water) Bursa C9(a) Total volume of water used Megalitres 0.000000 Bursa C9(a) Total volume of water used Cubic meters 56,858.00 Water intensity (Cubic meters/Revenue) M3/RM’000 1.83 Bursa (Emissions management) Bursa C11(a) Scope 1 emissions in tonnes of CO2e Metric tonnes 4,494.58 Bursa C11(b) Scope 2 emissions in tonnes of CO2e Metric tonnes 18.35 Bursa C11(c) Scope 3 emissions in tonnes of CO2e (at least for the categories of business travel and employee commuting) Metric tonnes 121.77 Emission intensity (Metric tonnes/Revenue) MT/RM’000 0.15 Bursa (Labour practices and standards) Bursa C6(a) Total hours of training by employee category Management Hours 350 Executive & Non-executive Hours 240 Bursa C6(b) Percentage of employees that are contractors or temporary staff Percentage 39.00 Bursa C6(c) Total number of employee turnover by employee category Management Number 3 Executive & Non-executive Number 2 Bursa C6(d) Number of substantiated complaints concerning human rights violations Number 0 Bursa (Diversity) Bursa C3(a) Percentage of employees by gender and age group, for each employee category Age Group by Employee Category Total 29 and below Percentage 19.51 Total Between 30-39 Percentage 41.46 Total Above 40-49 Percentage 17.08 Total 50 and above Percentage 21.95 Gender Group by Employee Category Total Male Percentage 59.00 Total Female Percentage 41.00 Bursa C3(b) Percentage of directors by gender and age group Male Percentage 86.00 Female Percentage 14.00 59 and below Percentage 42.00 Between 60-69 Percentage 29.00 70 and above Percentage 29.00 Number of Board Directors Number 7 Number of independent Directors on the board Number 5 Number of women on the board Number 1 Bursa (Health and safety) Bursa C5(a) Number of work-related fatalities Number 0 Bursa C5(b) Lost time incident rate ("LTIR") Rate 0.00 Bursa C5(c) Number of employees trained on health and safety standards Number 2 Number of work-related employee fatalities, over last 3 years Number 0 Number of work-related contractor fatalities, over last 3 years Number 0 Bursa (Community/Society) Bursa C2(a) Total amount invested in the community where the target beneficiaries are external to the listed issuer MYR 8,193.05 Bursa C2(b) Total number of beneficiaries of the investment in communities Number 0 APPENDIX A BURSA SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE REPORT Indicator Measurement Unit 2024 Bursa (Anti-corruption) Bursa C1(a) Percentage of employees who have received training on anti-corruption by employee category Management Percentage 100.00 Executive & Non-executive Percentage 100.00 Bursa C1(b) Percentage of operations assessed for corruption-related risks Percentage 100.00 Bursa C1(c) Confirmed incidents of corruption and action taken Number 0 Bursa (Data privacy and security) Bursa C8(a) Number of substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data Number 0 Bursa (Supply chain management) Bursa C7(a) Proportion of spending on local suppliers 30.00 Bursa (Energy management) Bursa C4(a) Total energy consumption Megawatt 0.00 Bursa C4(a) Total energy consumption Gigajoules 65,036.00 Energy Intensity (Gigajoule/Revenue) GJ/RM’000 2.09 Bursa (Water) Bursa C9(a) Total volume of water used Megalitres 0.000000 Bursa C9(a) Total volume of water used Cubic meters 56,858.00 Water intensity (Cubic meters/Revenue) M3/RM’000 1.83 Bursa (Emissions management) Bursa C11(a) Scope 1 emissions in tonnes of CO2e Metric tonnes 4,494.58 Bursa C11(b) Scope 2 emissions in tonnes of CO2e Metric tonnes 18.35 Bursa C11(c) Scope 3 emissions in tonnes of CO2e (at least for the categories of business travel and employee commuting) Metric tonnes 121.77 Emission intensity (Metric tonnes/Revenue) MT/RM’000 0.15 Bursa (Labour practices and standards) Bursa C6(a) Total hours of training by employee category Management Hours 350 Executive & Non-executive Hours 240 Bursa C6(b) Percentage of employees that are contractors or temporary staff Percentage 39.00 Bursa C6(c) Total number of employee turnover by employee category Management Number 3 Executive & Non-executive Number 2 Bursa C6(d) Number of substantiated complaints concerning human rights violations Number 0 Bursa (Diversity) Bursa C3(a) Percentage of employees by gender and age group, for each employee category Age Group by Employee Category Total 29 and below Percentage 19.51 Total Between 30-39 Percentage 41.46 Total Above 40-49 Percentage 17.08 Total 50 and above Percentage 21.95 Gender Group by Employee Category Total Male 59.00 Total Female 41.00 Bursa C3(b) Percentage of directors by gender and age group Male 86.00 Female Percentage 14.00 59 and below 42.00 Between 60-69 29.00 70 and above Percentage 29.00 Number of Board Directors Number 7 Number of independent Directors on the board Number 5 Number of women on the board Number 1 Bursa (Health and safety) Bursa C5(a) Number of work-related fatalities Number 0 Bursa C5(b) Lost time incident rate ("LTIR") Rate 0.00 Bursa C5(c) Number of employees trained on health and safety standards 2 Number of work-related employee fatalities, over last 3 years 0 Number of work-related contractor fatalities, over last 3 years Number 0 Bursa (Community/Society) Bursa C2(a) Total amount invested in the community where the target beneficiaries are external to the listed issuer MYR 8,193.05 Bursa C2(b) Total number of beneficiaries of the investment in communities 0 Internal assurance External assurance No assurance (*)Restated