ENRA Group Berhad Annual Report 2024

18 ENRA GROUP BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2024 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OVERVIEW STATEMENT The Board of ENRA is committed to ensuring that high standards of corporate governance (“CG”) principles and practices are applied throughout the Group as a fundamental part of discharging its responsibilities to safeguard shareholders’ investments and protect the interests of all stakeholders. This Corporate Governance Overview Statement is prepared in compliance with the MMLR of Bursa Securities and takes guidance from the key CG principles as set out in the MCCG 2021. This statement is supplemented with the Corporate Governance Report (“CG Report”) which provides the details on how the Company has applied each Practice of good governance with the relevant provisions as prescribed in the MCCG 2021 during FYE 2024. The CG Report is available on the Company’s website at www.enra.my. This Corporate Governance Overview Statement should also be read in conjunction with the other statements in the Annual Report, namely, the Statement on Risk Management and Internal Control, the Audit, Risk Management and Sustainability Committee Report and the Sustainability Report as the depth of certain CG practices may be better explained in the context of the respective statements. PRINCIPLE A: BOARD LEADERSHIP AND EFFECTIVENESS I. Board Responsibilities The Board has the overall responsibility for the sustainability, governance, strategic leadership and direction, the conduct of the Group’s businesses, risk management and internal controls, investor relations, management succession plan and business operations of the Group. Beyond the matters reserved for the Board’s decision, the Board has delegated the authority to achieve the corporate objectives and day-to-day management of the business of the Group to the Executive Committee comprising the President & Group Chief Executive Officer and the Executive Director. There is a formalised Limits of Authority which defines the applicable limits specifically reserved for the Board’s approval and those delegated to the Executive Committee, the President & Group Chief Executive Officer, the Executive Director and Management. These authority limits are reviewed and revised as and when required, to ensure an optimum structure for efficient and effective decision-making in the Group. The Executive Directors remain accountable to the Board for the authority that is delegated to them for the performance of the Group. The Board places great importance on sustainability and had taken the necessary steps to ensure high standards of environmental, social and governance across the Group’s operations. This includes formalising policy, guidelines, frameworks, and processes relating to, amongst others, ENRA’s capital allocation management and investment appraisal practices in managing future risks and opportunities as the Group continues to build a responsible and sustainable business. Further information on ENRA’s sustainability agenda and initiatives for the year under review are disclosed in the Sustainability Report section of this Annual Report. While the Board is responsible for creating the framework and policies within which the Group should be operating, the Management is accountable for the execution of the expressed policies and attainment of the Company’s corporate objectives. This demarcation complements and reinforces the supervisory role of the Board. The roles of the Chairman and the President & Group Chief Executive Officer are distinct and separate to engender accountability to facilitate a clear division of responsibilities. The Chairman is responsible for ensuring Board effectiveness and standards of conduct while the President & Group Chief Executive Officer is responsible for the overall management of the Group, including smooth running of the businesses and implementation of strategies and policies. In carrying out its function, the Board has delegated specific responsibilities to Board Committees, namely, the Audit, Risk Management and Sustainability Committee (“ARMSC”), the Board Nomination and Remuneration Committee (“BNRC”) and the Employees’ Share Scheme Committee (“ESSC”). In order to ensure that the direction and control of the Group remain with the Board, the Board has defined the terms of reference for each Committee and receives reports from the Board Committees of their proceedings and deliberations together with their recommendations and relevant decisions. The Chairman of the respective Board Committees will report to the Board on the outcome of these meetings. These Board Committees were formed in order to enhance business and operational efficiency and efficacy but the Board remains fully responsible for the direction and control of the Company and the Group. The ultimate responsibility for the final decision on all matters lies with the Board. The terms of reference (“TOR”) for the ARMSC, the BNRC and the ESSC can be found on the Company’s website (www.enra.my).