ENRA Group Berhad Annual Report 2024

114 ENRA GROUP BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2024 Total attributable Redeemable to equity convertible Share Exchange holders Non- Share preference options translation Treasury Accumulated of the controlling Total Note capital shares reserve reserve shares losses Company interests equity Group RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 Balance as at 1 April 2022 144,744 2,886 - 532 (1,199) (35,656) 111,307 2,087 113,394 Loss for the financial year - - - - - (25,476) (25,476) (14,061) (39,537) Other comprehensive loss, net of tax - - - 1,437 - - 1,437 1,050 2,487 Total comprehensive income/(loss) - - - 1,437 - (25,476) (24,039) (13,011) (37,050) Transactions with owners Issue of shares by a subsidiary to a non-controlling interest - - - - - - - 30 30 Issuance of capital contribution reserve to non-controlling interests - - - - - - - 10,380 10,380 Repayment of capital contribution to non-controlling interests 6(f) - - - - - - - (546) (546) Share options granted under ESOS - - 18 - - - 18 - 18 Total transactions with owners - - 18 - - - 18 9,864 9,882 Balance as at 31 March 2023 144,744 2,886 18 1,969 (1,199) (61,132) 87,286 (1,060) 86,226 Consolidated Statement Of Changes In Equity For The Financial Year Ended 31 March 2024 (Cont’d) The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements.