ENRA Group Berhad Annual Report 2023

38 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ENRA GROUP BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2023 3. Innovation and technology enablers (Governance) a. Cybersecurity and IT Infrastructure Work From Home (“WFH”) has become a new way of doing business since the COVID-19 pandemic which started in March 2020. Our GIT was nimble enough to ensure that our IT infrastructure and systems were able to meet with the change in the working environment and enable us to work and interact either from home or other off-site locations. The Movement Control Order (“MCO”) resulting from the pandemic has since been lifted but ENRA still allows its staff the flexibility to work under the WFH environment. The resilience that has been incorporated into the IT infrastructure has continued to allow this flexibility. Our On-Premise Services run on Microsoft Windows Server Hyper-V that hosts all applications servers and services on-premise such as BASSnet System, SQL Accounting, Active Directory, File Server and Print Server. Based on the above, the following is how we enabled our operations and staff to operate and work remotely: i. SSL VPN (Secure Socket Layer Virtual Private Network) This service will enable our staff to connect their computer at home to the office infrastructure so that they can run the systems located in the office infrastructure such as the accounting system, centralised storage (before migration), BASSnet system and office printer. ii. Microsoft Teams This has been adopted as a communication channel for the staff to meet with internal staff or with outsiders. Not just for meetings, Microsoft Teams is also an excellent tool for reviewing documents online, editing the documents with other members of the group, and as a storage place to keep the working documents and make them public to the member of the group. During the MCO period of the COVID-19 pandemic, this had been an excellent communication channel used for staff interactions which include: • Weekly Group-wide morning exercise/fitness routines • Virtual breakfast meet-up iii. Cloud e-mail We have successfully migrated our e-mail from MDaemon (on-premises) to Microsoft 365 (cloud). The connection is more stable compared to on-premises solutions which are limited by Internet bandwidth. As a result, some staff do not require VPN to access their e-mail, and this reduces the traffic load on the infrastructure. iv. Remote assistance ENRA subscribes to paid remote-control apps for the Group IT to connect and troubleshoot staff computers remotely in cases of any IT errors or when IT support is required. This remote assistant capability has greatly increased the IT systems and infrastructure efficiency and has proven to provide users with quick response time and resolution times. This system has been highly appreciated by our staff, especially during the MCO period. v. Cloud storage solutions The completion of the migration to Microsoft One Drive and Microsoft SharePoint eliminates the difficulties faced by the staff to use a VPN connection to access the traditional storage solutions. Moving to the cloud will free network traffic congestion for ENRA’s on-premises server and at the same time improve internet speed. Sustainability Report (Cont’d)