ENRA Group Berhad Annual Report 2021

CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ENRA Group Berhad | Annual Report 2021 56 H. How we Manage our MSMs (Cont’d) 2. Material Social Sustainability Matters (Cont’d) i. Proactive, dynamic and happy workforce (Cont’d) c. Human capital development – to improve workforce productivity and dynamism As a learning organisation, ENRA takes pride in developing and enhancing the talents that it acquires. Every staff is a student and a mentor at the same time. ENRA is essentially a “ de facto university”, and we take upon ourselves to contribute to the betterment of our people in order to ensure a sustainable growth. We recognise that a successful enterprise relies on the contribution and performance of its employees in meeting both the short-term and long-term objectives of the Group. Our Group acknowledges that investing in resources to enhance employee skills, knowledge and understanding are important in order to stay abreast with a rapidly changing environment and to retain talent. A racer needs a good car to win a race, and a business needs a good team to sustain its growth. An annual review of our employees’ performance and training needs analysis led by our GHCA is carried out to gauge performance, identify potential talents, address improvement areas and methods to map out career paths of our employees. This review also facilitates our identification of suitable programmes/courses/training to attend to the staff development needs. ILLUSTRATION 19 is evidence of the importance we place on training and development. It demonstrates that the training hours attended by middle management is critical for operational excellence and business expansion. ILLUSTRATION 19 - Staff training STAFF TRAINING Number Attended vs Average Hours Average Hours per person Number Attended In addition to training by external consultants, employees are provided with opportunities to learn from the experience and expertise of their own peers through in-house trainings. In-house training is cost effective and efficient while promoting knowledge sharing within our Group. It sharpens the presentation skill and builds up the self-confidence of our people too in doing so. SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 12 24 10 13 8 78 45 39 52 13 FYE 2017 FYE 2018 FYE 2019 FYE 2020 FYE 2021