ENRA Group Berhad Annual Report 2021

CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Annual Report 2021 | ENRA Group Berhad 47 H. How we Manage our MSMs (Cont’d) 1. Material Economics Sustainability Matters (Cont’d) iii. Technology enablers and innovations (Cont’d) a. Cybersecurity and IT infrastructure (Cont’d) TABLE 8 sets out the Group’s total expenditure on our IT infrastructure over the last five years. TABLE 8 FY2015/16 FY2016/17 FY2017/18 FY2018/19 FY2019/20 FY2020/21 Grand Total IT CAPEX & OPEX – OUTRIGHT PURCHASE (RM) ENRA 103,236 45,136 20,131 22,569 28,550 39,369 258,991 ENRA Kimia 13,167 - 100,284 2,100 6,091 6,705 128,347 ICE - - - - 38,534 13,975 52,509 ENRA SPM Group - - - - 56,668 199,796 256.464 IT – LEASING ARRANGEMENT (RM) ENRA - - 232,191 180,913 243,991 301,066 958,161 Grand Total 116,403 45,136 352,606 205,582 373,834 560,911 1,654,472 Generally, the Group acquires its IT infrastructure (hardware, software, firewall, antivirus and licences) under a leasing program with a view to upgrading them at the end of each leasing term to ensure that the performance of such components are at its optimum level, efficient, productive and not suffering from obsolescence and machine fatigue / ageing. Besides, it is also a good cash flow management solution for ENRA. However, with proper justification, subsidiaries were allowed flexibility in handling their own IT-related acquisitions. Our inhouse systems and infrastructure are fully self-managed by our GIT. While contributing towards our CSI, this approach also enriches our GIT personnel with valuable experience and confidence. The GIT team is also always motivated to perform Do-It-Yourself (“DIY”) tasks and projects which keeps their jobs interesting and also helps conserve cash for the Group. The DIY initiatives include: • Enabled cloud data storage access by configuring a centralised shared storage on Disk Station for the sales team to use as a temporary working folder on cloud access that would sync with the local computer • Enable remote connectivity via secure connection for the staff to connect with the office network and continue to access the system while WFH or remote locations • As part of CSI, the GIT Team helps the company to come out with graphic design for all official events, greetings & festival cards and also for website use • Meeting room reservation system • Installation of CCTV and cabling for IT infrastructure • Help with shifting of offices by reconfiguring IT infrastructure and the associated devices SUSTAINABILITY REPORT