ENRA Group Berhad Annual Report 2021

CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ENRA Group Berhad | Annual Report 2021 40 H. How we Manage our MSMs (Cont’d) 1. Material Economics Sustainability Matters (Cont’d) i. Ethics, Governance and Compliance (Cont’d) f. Whistleblowing Policy Our Whistleblowing Policy was established to provide appropriate communication and feedback procedures to enable employees and members of the public to report improper or unlawful conducts and ensure such incidences are handled in a transparent and confidential manner. For the financial year, the Group did not receive any reports or complaint. g. Compliance Programmes The Group organises various training sessions and disseminates regular digital legal alerts, QHSE Share Points, GHCA internal memo, Group Commercial’s training and Group Cost Optimisation & Procurement’s compliance check. This is on top of the Group Internal Audit’s annual programs. Annual compliance reviews are conducted on all of our key departments and subsidiaries to ensure practices and performance of their respective functions and the Group’s operations are in compliance with all existing Group policies and procedures that will help to determine areas for improvement. h. Related party transactions In line with our corporate values and as a responsible corporate entity, we make sure that the rights of our minority shareholders and institutional investors are adequately protected and our actions are not detrimental to them. The Board understands its fiduciary duties well comprising duty of care (diligent and conscientious), duty of candour (open, honest and frank) and duty of loyalty (to good principles and codes). All transactions with related parties during the reporting period under review are supported by definitive agreements with terms and conditions that are on arms’ length basis and on usual commercial terms. For recurrent related party transactions, we have obtained the shareholders’ mandate in the last Annual General Meeting and those transactions values are still below the threshold. Related party transactions entered into by the Group for this financial year and the previous financial year are set out in TABLE 5 below: TABLE 5 Type of transaction FYE 31 March 2021 RM’000 FYE 31 March 2020 RM’000 Routine operational transactions - outflow of cash - inflow of cash Purchase of assets (11,407) 626 - (11,236) 265 (22,891) SUSTAINABILITY REPORT