ENRA Group Berhad Annual Report 2021

CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Annual Report 2021 | ENRA Group Berhad 39 H. How we Manage our MSMs (Cont’d) 1. Material Economics Sustainability Matters (Cont’d) i. Ethics, Governance and Compliance (Cont’d) d. Vendor Code of Conduct Our Vendor Code of Conduct sets out standards of business practice that are generally applicable to all vendors engaged by the Group. As a prerequisite to be an appointed vendor of the Group and as part of our procurement processes, all vendors are required to acknowledge compliance with and acceptance of the Vendor Code of Conduct. By the acceptance of a purchase order, letter of award, contract or agreement or by performance of any obligation to and agreed by the Group, vendors are expected to commit and are deemed to have committed themselves to comply with the Code at all times. The Group does not condone any unlawful or unethical practices by any of our vendors and will not extend any support or business opportunities to vendors that have negative reputations in the market. Non-compliant vendors will be blacklisted. During the year, the Group was involved in two arbitrations with vendors we engaged for the Myanmar project of which we were having civil/ contract disputes with. The nature of the cases is disclosed in Note 41(c), (d) and (e) of the Audited Financial Statements for FY2020/21. e. Anti-Corruption Policy & Procedure The Group’s anti-corruption journey is set out in ILLUSTRATION 10 below: ILLUSTRATION 10 ENRA’S ANTI-CORRUPTION JOURNEY Effective 31 March 2020, at every six-month intervals, all individuals within the Group must provide a written declaration that no corrupt act has been committed in the process of discharging their duties. Similar declarations have already been incorporated in our annual review of our vendors. The Anti-Corruption Policy & Procedure has been approved by our Board and implemented Group wide with effect from 1 June 2020. Subsequently, the Group has introduced the Gift / Entertainment / Hospitality & Reporting Guidelines on 30 April 2021 to give clarity to all staff about what is acceptable and what is not vis-a-vis giving and receiving gift and hospitality. This guideline is to be read together with the Anti-Corruption Policy & Procedure and is applicable to each Director, employee and persons associated with ENRA and its group of companies. SUSTAINABILITY REPORT Training – internal and external Stand alone anticorruption policy and procedure Focused due diligence Certification ISO 37001 Others Gap analysis Reinforce current policies and procedures 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021