ENRA Group Berhad Annual Report 2021

CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ENRA Group Berhad | Annual Report 2021 38 H. How we Manage our MSMs (Cont’d) 1. Material Economics Sustainability Matters (Cont’d) i. Ethics, Governance and Compliance (Cont’d) ILLUSTRATION 9 As part of our sustainability practices, we ensure parties that we engage with including existing and potential employees, customers, vendors, suppliers, business partners and financiers comply with our standards of being ethical practices and codes of conduct throughout our business relationship. We perform periodical review of their performance to ensure continuous compliance. We also carry out an annual compliance review of our vendors to ensure that fair competition is upheld at all times when dealing with third parties and that we conduct our businesses ethically in line with our corporate values of being Ethical, Noble, Reliable and Accountable. The annual compliance review was emailed to our vendors in line with the BCP principles. Likewise, we also welcome similar reviews, due diligence, and performance audits by all parties that we engage with. Internally, our various internal policies and procedures ensure that everyone within the Group complies with both regulatory, principals’ and customers’ requirements with a view to eliminate or reduce exposure to risks faced in our businesses. a. Directors’ Code of Ethics and Board Charter Our Directors’ Code of Ethics and the Board Charter are the primary internal documents to assist the Board members in exercising their fiduciary duties and to assess such performance collectively and individually. b. Employee Handbook Our Employee Handbook (“Handbook”) explains matters pertaining to employment with the Group. The Handbook applies to all employees of the Group and enables employees to have a quick and easy reference to human capital policies, procedures and practices. c. Code of Business Conduct All employees are required to familiarise themselves with the Group’s Code of Business Conduct upon employment. Every six months, all employees and our EXCO are to reaffirm their compliance with the Code by completing a questionnaire. This process is managed by our Group Internal Auditor and provides a means by which we can document awareness of the said Code and check compliance with the Code and other policies including our Whistleblowing Policy. The feedback from the questionnaire is considered by the EXCO and further deliberated by the ARMC. ETHICS, GOVERNANCE AND COMPLIANCE DIRECTORS’ CODE OF ETHICS (For our Board) (For our Board) (For all Personnel) (For all Personnel) (For all Suppliers and Vendors) (General Application) BOARD CHARTER EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK CODE OF BUSINESS CONDUCT VENDOR CODE OF CONDUCT WHISTLE- BLOWING POLICY SUSTAINABILITY REPORT