ENRA Group Berhad Annual Report 2021

CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ENRA Group Berhad | Annual Report 2021 36 G. Sustainability: Raising the Game in A New Environment (Cont’d) v. switching to online internal and external trainings that allowed further, cheaper and more convenient reach to our staff including those that are based abroad vi. widening the scope of online banking beyond payroll-related payments vii. using mobile tokens for online banking instead of a physical token viii. leveraging on CCTV and drone technology for remote surveillance ix. vessel satellite technology for our tanker, Ratu Enra x. using less paper-based documentation (hence less printers, papers, stationery costs and office space) xi. switching to a digital approval process as an alternative to a physical sign-off xii. arranged with customers to accept billings and supporting documentation via e-mail attachments 2. Keeping our staff and family safe and healthy from infection by the COVID-19 virus. 3. Applying strict adherence to the SOPs issued by the Government from time to time for staff on a Work From Home (“WFH”) and Work In Office (“WIO”) rotation. 4. Providing a special allowance of RM100 per month each during MCO 1.0 to all staff to purchase COVID-19- related necessities such as sanitisers, face masks, vitamins and wireless internet connectivity. 5. Supplying the high end N95 facemasks to all staff at various locations when they were not readily available in the market during the early days of the pandemic. 6. Supplying all ENRA premises with enough sanitising solutions and thermometers. Despite the BCP that was made necessary by COVID-19, the Group also realised the merits of a more permanent WFH and WIO arrangement even after COVID-19 pandemic ends. We realised that our flexibility and agility in changing our work arrangement fast without operational interruption gave us the unique opportunity to optimise premises running costs via the execution of “Project Ophelia” to reduce our combined Kuala Lumpur office spaces from 11,378 to 7,494 square feet. The savings achieved was RM711,552 per year. Raising staff engagement is imperative to operate in the new business environment. 1. With the right corporate culture within ENRA, wearing masks, physical distancing, regular hand sanitisation and washing with soaps, deep cleaning of premises, temperature and attendance taking via MySejahtera application came naturally. 2. To complement the BCP, the GHCA and Quality, Health, Safety & Environment (“QHSE”) departments regularly issues Memo and QHSE Share Points to disseminate key messages and reminders to keep everybody safe and healthy so that everybody can continue to contribute to ENRA’s business objectives. 3. The participation of all staff in ENRA COVID-19 Updates WhatsApp group platform is also encouraging where communication is more casual amongst staff to discuss breaking news and sharing solutions relating to COVID-19. 4. Potential exposure to COVID-19 infection, however remote were quickly reported to everyone and self-quarantine was imposed by the staff. All these incidences were eventually logged by our QHSE with the name of the staff involved, date of their quarantine and their twice-a-day temperature readings. Based on these logs, we are able to note that 27 staff had self-quarantined themselves for a total of 213 man days. Despite the high man-days, there were actually very little man-days loss as the affected staff were still healthy and in good spirits, and they continued working under the WFH routine. SUSTAINABILITY REPORT