ENRA Group Berhad Annual Report 2021

CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Annual Report 2021 | ENRA Group Berhad 35 G. Sustainability: Raising the Game in A New Environment The COVID-19 pandemic which started at the end of the previous financial year continues to wreak havoc, anxieties and risks throughout the financial year under review. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Group’s performance and results was more prevalent for FY2020/21 because it was for the full 12 months of the financial year as compared to for FY2019/20, which was only for two months from the first active case in Malaysia on 4 February 2020. As of 1 June 2021, the following geographical segments where ENRA operates recorded the following COVID-19 data ( TABLE 3 ) ( source: worldometers.info ) : TABLE 3 World Malaysia Australia The UK Myanmar COVID-19 cumulative cases 171,313,637 572,357 30,105 4,487,339 143,629 COVID-19 cumulative deaths 3,562,864 2,796 910 127,782 3,217 COVID-19 cumulative recovered 153,603,158 490,038 29,086 4,289,486 132,319 COVID-19 active cases 14,143,615 78,017 109 68,467 7,929 COVID-19 vaccination doses (% of population) 1,843,645,150 (24%) 2,993,640 (9%) 4,031,539 (16%) 63,349,252 (95%) 2,994,900 (6%) Population 7,869,537,318 32,742,870 25,768,871 68,210,816 54,741,892 Annual GDP growth in 2020 -3.3% -5.6% -2.4% -9.9% 2.00% COVID-19 was an unprecedented global event which caused and still continues to cause uncertainties on many levels from the Government’s actions in tackling the health and economic problems, the speed and effectiveness of the vaccination program, and the response and reactions from our suppliers, customers, financiers and authorities. With this new business environment, we are aware that we need to adapt fast to ensure that the impact on our business due to volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (“VUCA”) of various factors is minimised. Proactively, for those that is within our control, we have acted promptly so we can continue with our sustainability initiatives. Admittedly it has not been easy but the management has managed to adopt, adapt and innovate to progress. The fact that the management has been agile and nimble-footed enough to avert any untoward incidents and outcome should be applauded. Our Group Human Capital and Administration (“GCHA”) had introduced the Business Continuity Plan (“BCP”) on 27 February 2020, two weeks ahead of the Government’s declaration that COVID-19 was a pandemic and subsequently implemented the first Movement Control Order (“MCO”) on 18 March 2020 (“MCO 1.0”). Since then, Malaysia has gone through various versions of MCOs to combat the pandemic and we expect this to continue changing by the day. Fortunately, due to our size, structure, system and style, we were agile and flexible enough to raise the game in business environment to protect the 3Ps – Profit, People & Planet. ENRA is proud to note that there had been zero positive cases amongst its staff members during the financial year under review. Our BCP has been successful in managing things within our control: 1. Minimising operational disruptions by embracing digital technology including: i. the newly implemented mobile HR system (Ignite) – e-attendance, e-claims, e-leave, e-payroll ii. virtual meetings with internal and external parties via multiple platforms (Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, Webex, Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp etc.) iii. the shareholders’ meeting, i.e. the 28th Annual General Meeting and Extraordinary General Meeting held on 25 September 2020 iv. normalising virtual Board & Board Committee meetings and Town Hall meetings SUSTAINABILITY REPORT