ENRA Group Berhad Annual Report 2021

CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Annual Report 2021 | ENRA Group Berhad 31 F. Our Material Sustainability Matters (Cont’d) Upon recommendation of the SWG, our Board agreed that focus would be given to the following seven material sustainability matters identified in FY2018/19, as ranked below in order of importance in ILLUSTRATION 5 . ILLUSTRATION 5 SUSTAINABILITY MATTERS IDENTIFIED BY ENRA SWG FOR FYE 2019/2020 Meanwhile, for FY2019/20, a total of 16 sustainability matters important to the Group’s business were identified by the SWG during the financial year as set out in ILLUSTRATION 6 : ILLUSTRATION 6 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT These 7 top material sustainability matters are further categorised into the following themes: From the 16 reported above, we have narrowed them down to eight priority topics that have shaped our sustainability strategies as presented in a materiality matrix ( ILLUSTRATION 7 ) in order of their significance to the business and to stakeholders. Economic Ensuring sustainable business growth Social Empowering our people Environment Enhancing resource efficiency • Ethics, governance and compliance • Project management • Procurement governance and management • Integration • Tender management • Cyber security and IT infrastructure ECONOMIC THEME • Reducing company expenses • Green solution business • Recycling awareness and initiatives ENVIRONMENT THEME • Employee benefits • Staff engagement • Corporate social responsibility initiatives • Employee health, safety and wellbeing • Employee training and development • Workplace efficiency • Recruitment SOCIAL THEME Ranking Material Sustainability Matters 1 Business Development and expansion Employee health, safety and well-being Ethics, Governance and Compliance Employment practices Human capital development Cyber security and IT infrastructure Waste Management 2 3 4 5 6 7 Legend: Economic theme Social theme Environmental theme