ENRA Group Berhad Annual Report 2021

CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ENRA Group Berhad | Annual Report 2021 30 E. Our Engagement with Stakeholders (Cont’d) 2. External stakeholders i. Major lenders; ii. Major principals/suppliers; and iii. Major customers. Surveys and robust interaction with our key stakeholders provided our stakeholders with a platform to freely and openly voice their views, opinions and concerns on sustainability issues. F. Our Material Sustainability Matters for FY2020/21 Our materiality assessment for FY2020/21 was based on the information derived from various internal and external stakeholder engagements in the previous two consecutive years. For the past two Sustainability Reports, we also analysed the nature of our businesses (both current and planned), our internal documents, risk register and indicators in the Bursa Securities Sustainability Reporting Guide, and the Global Reporting Initiative Sustainability Reporting Standards as part of the process of identifying the sustainability matters relevant to the Group. As the stakeholder groups and the business segments remain substantially the same for FY2020/21 compared to what was covered in our first two Sustainability Reports, the SWG proposed to only re-examine the stakeholder groups and their concerns once every four years. The next engagement and prioritisation exercise is scheduled in 2022 for reporting in FY2022/23. In FY2018/19, we shortlisted 13 material matters through statistical analysis of materiality by business owners, senior management, and the Board. They were ranked based on their importance to business performance and to stakeholders. From the 13 that were reported in FY2018/19, we have since narrowed them down to seven priority topics that have shaped our sustainability strategies. These seven material matters are presented in a materiality matrix below ( ILLUSTRATION 4 ) in order of their significance to the business and to stakeholders. ILLUSTRATION 4 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 50% Low Low Medium Medium High High 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% IMPORTANCE TO STAKEHOLDERS FYE 31 March 2019 MATERIALITY MATRIX FOR ENRA GROUP BERHAD IMPORTANCE TO BUSINESS Renewable energy and greenhouse gas (”CHG”) emissions Community impacts of properties and development Land use and biodiversity impacts Human capital development Employee health, safety and well-being Business development and expansion Ethics, governance and compliance Energy and water management Waste Management Employment practices Cyber security and IT infrastructure Responsible sourcing and procurement Geopolitics and economic context SUSTAINABILITY REPORT