ENRA Group Berhad Annual Report 2021

02 Corporate Information 03 Corporate Structure 05 Five-Year Financial Highlights 07 Chairman’s Statement 09 Board of Directors’ Profile 15 Key Senior Management’s Profile 16 Management Discussion and Analysis 22 Corporate Governance Overview Statement 27 Sustainability Report 69 Audit and Risk Management Committee Report 72 Statement on Risk Management and Internal Control 79 Additional Compliance Information 81 Statement of Directors’ Responsibilities 82 Financial Statements 187 Properties owned by ENRA Group 189 Analysis of Shareholdings 192 Analysis of Warrantholdings 01 OVERVIEW 02 PERFORMANCE REVIEW 03 LEADERSHIP 05 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 06 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS & OTHERS WHAT’S I N S I D E E N R A G r o u p B e r h a d A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 2 1