ENRA Group Berhad Annual Report 2021

FINANCIAL STATEMENTS & OTHERS Annual Report 2021 | ENRA Group Berhad 115 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 MARCH 2021 5. RIGHT-OF-USE ASSETS AND LEASE LIABILITIES (cont’d) The Group and the Company as lessee (Cont’d) (a) Right-of-use assets (Cont’d) Motor Office Building vehicle equipment Total Company RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 Cost At 1 April 2019 1,822 184 334 2,340 Remeasurement (18) – – (18) Derecognition upon expiration/ early termination (640) – – (640) At 31 March 2020/31 March 2021 1,164 184 334 1,682 Accumulated amortisation At 1 April 2019 1,081 114 237 1,432 Amortisation charged for the year 192 36 97 325 Derecognition upon expiration/ early termination (400) – – (400) At 31 March 2020/1 April 2020 873 150 334 1,357 Amortisation charged for the year 250 34 – 284 At 31 March 2021 1,123 184 334 1,641 Net carrying amount At 31 March 2020 291 34 – 325 At 31 March 2021 41 – – 41