ENRA Group Berhad Annual Report 2020

ENRA Group Berhad - Annual Report 2020 41 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT H. How we Manage our Material Sustainability Matters (Cont’d) 2. Material Social Sustainability Matters (Cont’d) 2.1 Employee health, safety and wellbeing (Cont’d) iii. Staff Insurance The Group takes up sufficient insurance coverage from reputable insurance companies as a protective measure against associated risks in our business operations, the costs of which are set out in ILLUSTRATION 15 . FYE 31 March 2016 RM412,133 RM300,409 RM324,672 RM352,405 RM208,440 ILLUSTRATION 15 TOTAL INSURANCE PREMIUM SPENT FYE 31 March 2017 FYE 31 March 2018 FYE 31 March 2019 FYE 31 March 2020 The changes in premium spent over the years are due to the changes in headcount, the change in the scope of coverage for Group Hospitalisation and Surgery; particularly on the coverage for family members of the staff. The premium for Group Term Life was increased during FYE 2020 and as a result of increase in headcount and claims. The Group will continue to review the insurance coverage and compare with the latest offerings in the market to find the best deal for ENRA and its staff. iv. Sexual Harassment In line with our plan to promote awareness of what is and what is not appropriate behaviour in the work place as endorsed and supported by our EXCO, we had in October 2019 organised a sexual harassment talk conducted by an external trainer, reaffirming the Group’s zero-tolerance for harassment including sexual harassment. v. After work activities We have since FYE 31 March 2017, continued to subsidise a series of after-work sporting activities including gym memberships for our employees, and employee badminton and volleyball sessions. We hope to have more teambuilding sessions and after-work activities in the near future and will continue to support our employees in maintaining an active, healthy and balanced lifestyle. vi. In-house Knowledge Sharing With the pool of in-house talent and expertise within the Group, we encourage knowledge sharing amongst employees. During the financial year under review, we held 2 knowledge sharing sessions on presentation skills and time management that were conducted by employees from our Group Commercial Department. We hope to have similar sessions in the future particularly on topics focused on our core businesses. vii. Employee training for FYE 2021 The Group Human Capital’s focus for FY2021 training program will be on: a. Practical coaching/ mentoring skills. b. Effective communication at work. c. Training needs outlined in the respective staff’s Performance Appraisal System form.