ENRA Group Berhad Annual Report 2020

ENRA Group Berhad - Annual Report 2020 34 Effective 31 March 2020, at every 6-month intervals, all individuals within the Group must provide a written declaration that no corrupt act has been committed in the process of discharging their duties. Similar declarations have already been incorporated in our annual review of our vendors. During the financial year under review, our Group Internal Auditor conducted a gap analysis study of our existing policies and procedures to identify gaps, if any, in compliance with applicable anti-corruption laws. The results of such gap analysis were presented to the Board on 19 August 2019 with the Board concluding that Group Legal lead the process of closing the gaps between our existing policies, procedures and practises against that of the UK Bribery Act 2010 which was selected as a base for comparison. As a result of the gap analysis, a number of policies and procedures were revised and/or introduced during the financial year under review: a. Control of Document Procedure b. Group Cost Optimisation and Procurement Policy c. Internal Audit Charter Policy d. Group Legal policy and procedure e. Insurance policy and procedure In addition to the above policies, we had during the financial year under review also improved and enhanced our internal forms and questionnaires: a. Employee Disclosure Form to disclose any conflicts of interest; b. Register of Conflicts of Interest Form to record declared conflicts of interest; c. Cash Advance Form d. Bidder Summary Form e. Purchased Approval Memo Form f. Requisition for Purchase of IT Software or Hardware Form g. Service Requisition Form (Revision 1) h. Customer Credit Application Form (CFAF) (Revision 1) i. Training Evaluation Form (Revision 1) j. Corporate Unit Reservation Form (Revision 1) Group Legal has drafted a stand-alone Anti-Corruption Policy & Procedure applicable to all employees and those who have dealings with the Group. The Anti-Corruption Policy & Procedure has been approved by our Board and implemented Group wide with effect from 1 June 2020. SUSTAINABILITY REPORT ILLUSTRATION 11 ENRA’S ANTI-CORRUPTION JOURNEY Gap analysis Reinforce current policies and procedures Stand alone anti- corruption policy and procedure Focused due diligence Certification ISO 37001 Others 2020 - 2021 H. How we Manage our Material Sustainability Matters (Cont’d) 1. Material Economic Sustainability Matters (Cont’d) 1.1 Ethics, governance and compliance (Cont’d) vii. Anti-Corruption Policy & Procedure (Cont’d) The Group’s anti-corruption strategy is set out in ILLUSTRATION 11 below: 2019 - 2020 Training – internal and external