ENRA Group Berhad Annual Report 2020

ENRA Group Berhad - Annual Report 2020 30 G. Business Continuity Plan (“BCP”) in light of Malaysian MCO (Cont’d) Our IT infrastructure and support also played a crucial role in helping the various components of the Group to continue working together. Some of the measures taken were: i. Identification of additional / alternative communication tools. During the planning stage for BCP implementation, Group IT identified suitable communication tools to supplement those already in place. Remote troubleshooting and remote access that were already part of our practise came in useful for our employees experiencing technical issues while working from home. These initiatives and tools came in very useful to help seamlessly transition our people from operating in the office to operating from home. ii. Virtual access to physical office. With everyone working from home during the MCO, Group IT met the printing needs of our people and arranged for these to be sent to the rightful recipients by our front liners. iii. Virtual meeting rooms. Our Group IT selected stable and reliable tools for these activities to ensure meetings and discussions can continue seamlessly. These virtual meeting rooms enabled our Group organise and conduct large scale meetings and trainings among our employees with much ease compared to organising these as physical meetings. H. How we Manage our Material Sustainability Matters 1. Material Economic Sustainability Matters 1.1 Ethics, governance and compliance A sustainable business is one that is conducted in a meritocratic, transparent, legitimate and accessible manner without compromising its other corporate responsibilities to ensure its continued success and longevity. Issues of ethics, governance and compliance regularly arise in business transactions and we are firmly committed to conduct our businesses with the highest level of integrity and in full compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations. Our Corporate Governance Overview Statement, Corporate Governance Report, Statement of Risk Management and Internal Control and Audit and Risk Management Committee Report contained in this Annual Report provide a fuller picture of the control environment and governance structure and culture within the Group. We have various instruments, tools and enablers in place at our disposal to ensure that the Group and its stakeholders comply with the various laws, regulations and practices applicable to our businesses. The following guidance in ILLUSTRATION 9 was implemented to ensure that we meet this objective: SUSTAINABILITY REPORT ILLUSTRATION 9 DIRECTORS’ CODE OF ETHICS BOARD CHARTER EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK CODE OF BUSINESS CONDUCT VENDOR CODE OF CONDUCT WHISTLE- BLOWING POLICY ETHICS, GOVERNANCE AND COMPLIANCE (For our Board) (For our Board) (For all Personnel) (For all Personnel) (For all Suppliers and Vendors) (General Application)