ENRA Group Berhad Annual Report 2020

ENRA Group Berhad - Annual Report 2020 29 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT F. Our Material Sustainability Matters (Cont’d) In comparison, as shown in ILLUSTRATION 8 , material sustainability matters identified in the previous reporting period for 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019 were as follows: The absence of certain material sustainability matters and themes in the current reporting period, for example business development and expansion, and those under environment theme, when compared to the previous reporting period does not mean that these matters were abandoned or neglected. These matters continue to be managed by the Group during our day-to-day operations. Our management of these key sustainability drivers is explained in the subsequent sections of this Report. G. Business Continuity Plan (“BCP”) in light of Malaysian MCO The Group’s management set out to quickly prepare for the possibilities of the virus affecting our operations. Our Group Human Capital Department put together a contingency plan which was approved by our EXCO and implemented Group-wide on 27 February 2020, 2 weeks ahead of the Government’s implementation of the MCO on 18 March 2020. Under the BCP, employees are divided into 2 separate teams where one team works from the office while the other team works from home on a rotation basis. The objective is to minimise contact between employees especially those within the same department to ensure business and operational continuity. Front liners, namely our despatchers and drivers, were identified to act as the link between the team working from the office and the team working from home while observing certain standard operating procedures. Our BCP also identified certain company processes that needed to be changed immediately to minimise close human contact and to accommodate those working from home while observing certain standard operating procedures: i. Online banking was extended to beyond payroll-related payments; ii. Virtual meetings; iii. Use of digital signatures. A special allowance was introduced to all employees to support them in the purchase of COVID-19 necessities such as sanitisers, face masks, vitamins and wireless internet connectivity. Payment of staff salaries, benefits, claims and allowances did not change in light of the economic and operational challenges posed by MCO and were paid per usual practice and without reductions or cutbacks. Our Group Human Capital Department together with our Group IT Department and Group Quality, Health, Safety and Environment (“QHSE”) Department also established new standard operating procedures in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and our BCP, including regularly sanitising all our offices, putting up posters and signage at the entrance and within the confines of the Group’s offices on the importance of personal hygiene and social distancing procedures at workplace, instituting social distancing markers and procedures for any permitted visitors such as courier service providers to minimise the incidences of infection. ILLUSTRATION 8 Business development and expansion Employees health, safety and wellbeing Ethics, governance and compliance Employment practices Human capital development Cyber security and IT infrastructure Waste management Sustainability Matters CATEGORY Ranking 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Legend: Environment Economic Social