ENRA Group Berhad Annual Report 2019

85 ENRA GROUP BERHAD ∞ Annual Report 2019 page Notes to the Financial Statement 31 March 2019 5. RIGHT-OF-USE ASSETS AND LEASE LIABILITIES (cont’d) (a) Right-of-use assets (cont’d) Company Buildings RM’000 Office equipments RM’000 Total RM’000 Cost At 1 April 2017 under FRS 117 - - - Effects of MFRS 16 1,514 334 1,848 Opening of right-of-use asset in accordance with MFRS 16 1,514 334 1,848 Addition 326 - 326 Exchange adjustment (14) - (14) At 31 March 2018 1,826 334 2,160 Exchange adjustment (4) - (4) At 31 March 2019 1,822 334 2,156 Accumulated amortisation At 1 April 2017 under FRS 117 - - - Effects of MFRS 16 376 21 397 Opening of amortisation in accordance with MFRS 16 376 21 397 Amortisation charged for the year 361 108 469 Exchange adjustment (8) - (8) At 31 March 2018 729 129 858 Amortisation charged for the year 356 108 464 Exchange adjustment (4) - (4) At 31 March 2019 1,081 237 1,318 Net carrying amount as at 31 March 2018 1,097 205 1,302 Net carrying amount as at 31 March 2019 741 97 838 (i) The right-of-use assets comprise buildings, office equipments and vessel and they are initially recorded at cost. Subsequent to initial recognition, the right-of-use assets are measured at cost less any accumulated amortisation, accumulated impairment losses and adjusted for any remeasurement of lease liabilities. (ii) Amortisation is calculated on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful lives of the right-of-use assets. The principal amortisation periods used are as follows: Buildings 2 to 5 years Office equipments 3 to 5 years Vessel 4 years