ENRA Group Berhad Annual Report 2019

81 ENRA GROUP BERHAD ∞ Annual Report 2019 page Notes to the Financial Statement 31 March 2019 4. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT (cont’d) Group 2018 Balance as at 1.4.2017 RM’000 Additions RM’000 Disposals RM’000 Depreciation charge for the year RM’000 Balance as at 31.3.2018 RM’000 Carrying amount Furniture, fittings, renovation and office equipment 1,330 43 (6) (549) 818 Computer hardware and software 434 123 (41) (234) 282 Motor vehicles 1,241 107 - (332) 1,016 Plant and machinery 711 1,901 - (197) 2,415 3,716 2,174 (47) (1,312) 4,531 At 31.3.2018 Cost RM’000 Accumulated depreciation RM’000 Carrying amount RM’000 Furniture, fittings, renovation and office equipment 2,076 (1,258) 818 Computer hardware and software 1,063 (781) 282 Motor vehicles 2,098 (1,082) 1,016 Plant and machinery 2,638 (223) 2,415 7,875 (3,344) 4,531 Company 2019 Balance as at 1.4.2018 RM’000 Additions RM’000 Depreciation charge for the year RM’000 Balance as at 31.3.2019 RM’000 Carrying amount Furniture, fittings, renovation and office equipment 517 6 (71) 452 Computer hardware and software 138 - (99) 39 Motor vehicles 107 - (37) 70 762 6 (207) 561 At 31.3.2019 Cost RM’000 Accumulated depreciation RM’000 Carrying amount RM’000 Furniture, fittings, renovation and office equipment 1,467 (1,015) 452 Computer hardware and software 763 (724) 39 Motor vehicles 184 (114) 70 2,414 (1,853) 561