ENRA Group Berhad Annual Report 2019

42 ENRA GROUP BERHAD ∞ Annual Report 2019 page G. How we Manage our Material Sustainability Matters (cont’d) 2) Empowering Our People (Social) (cont’d) c) Human Capital development (cont’d) 3. Group Finance a. Annual National Budget briefing; b. Updates on All Relevant Tax Laws by the Group’s Tax Consultants; and c. Update on Latest Changes in Accounting Standards by Group Auditors, with refreshers by Group Finance are conducted to ensure full compliance of the regulatory requirements are achieved. 4. Group Legal a. E-training via slides presentation on topics such as changes to the Companies Act 2016 and MACC Act 2009, sustainability and non-disclosure agreements; and b. Issued periodic legal alerts via email to all employees to keep them abreast with changes in and application of the law. Copies of these e-training slides and legal alerts are accessible at any time by all employees for a refresher at their convenience through our shared folder system. We plan to continue our internal training practice in the upcoming financial year and intend to offer a wider array of topics including training related to personal development and well-being in line with a more holistic development of our talents. As part of our succession planning, training will be focused on leadership, communication, creativity and innovation, judgement, initiative and planning. 3) Enhancing Resource Efficiency (Environment) Waste Management Calls for environmental preservation has become increasingly vociferous in current times, in particular, the management of waste. Appropriate measures to tackle waste management are needed to ensure a sustainable future. We are committed to complying with all laws, rules and regulations, including those of the Malaysian Department of Environment (“DOE”). Illustration 20 shows the waste disposal and management techniques deployed in our operations. Sustainability Report