ENRA Group Berhad Annual Report 2019

41 ENRA GROUP BERHAD ∞ Annual Report 2019 page G. How we Manage our Material Sustainability Matters (cont’d) 2) Empowering Our People (Social) (cont’d) c) Human Capital development (cont’d) Illustration 19 Training is conducted by external consultants or accredited trainers and where possible, at our premises, so as to not disrupt daily business operations and tomanage training costs. Illustration 19 shows an incremental pattern in hours spent on training for our Group up until FYE 31 March 2018. FYE 31 March 2019 showed a reduction in hours on training because there were no team building activities planned during the year as the Group’s management had decided to hold team building activities once every 2 years. In addition to training by external consultants, employees are provided with opportunities to learn from the experience and expertise of their peers through in-house training. In-house training is cost effective and efficient while promoting knowledge sharing within our Group. We also encourage our people to give feedback on the effectiveness of the training sessions and employees are at liberty to request for trainings on areas or topics that they believe to be relevant. To further improve efficiency and effectiveness, in-house training is conducted face-to-face and electronically. Since 2017, our Company Secretary, Group IT, Group Legal and Group Finance Departments have organised a series of training for employees covering the following topics: 1. Company Secretary a. Updates to Bursa’s Main Market Listing Requirements; b. Updates to the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance; c. Annual Directors and Senior Management conference covering topics on the National budget highlights, Cyber risk management, MFRS reporting and outlook and development of the property industry in Malaysia 2019; and d. External trainings for the Group’s directors. 2. Group IT a. Induction training for new joiners on Group IT policies and procedures including but not limited to use of our shared folder system, email and webmail, antivirus software in place and the Group’s password policy; b. Refresher training to employees on items raised during the initial induction training; c. ENRA’s employee portal training; and d. Alerts via email to all employees to keep them abreast with developments in cybersecurity and cyberthreats. Technical and functional training attended TECHNICAL & FUNCTIONAL TRAINING 0 400 800 1,200 1,600 FYE 31March 2016 48 568 FYE 31March 2017 620 FYE 31March 2019 1,332 FYE 31March 2018 Sustainability Report