ENRA Group Berhad Annual Report 2019

39 ENRA GROUP BERHAD ∞ Annual Report 2019 page How many interns were employed (Headcount) How much was spent on employing interns (Cost) MYR9,000.00 MYR10,889.88 MYR3,000.00 MYR 2 FYE 31 March 2017 FYE 31 March 2018 FYE 31 March 2019 3 5 INTERN G. How we Manage our Material Sustainability Matters (cont’d) 2) Empowering Our People (Social) (cont’d) b) Employment practices (cont’d) (C) Recruitment (cont’d) llustration 17 Each Department is expected to undertake their own internship programme in the best way they deem fit. Interns include student at diploma, undergraduate and post-graduate levels. Illustration 17 above shows the progression of our internship programme. We plan to seek external advice from industry experts or Malaysia’s national talent agencies to hone and fine-tune our internship program to ensure that this programmeets its abovementioned objectives in the best possible way. (D) Employee benefits In addition to taking steps to keep within market and industry norms in determining remuneration for our people, we provide our employees with medical and expenses allowances, and insurances that extend to their immediate family members for that added peace of mind. Bonuses and increments are properly and carefully thought out with the input of our Board Nomination and Remuneration Committee based on a merit system. For our Muslimcolleagues who have served 3 consecutive years andwho desire to perform their religious pilgrimage, we allow paid leave of 40 consecutive days once during their employment. To promote personal development of our people, we also pay for the cost of 1 professional membership per employee per year. Offering flexible working hours to our employees is demonstrative of our encouragement of a balanced work life. Employees are given the option to start and end their working hours at earlier or later times outside of the primary working hours. This gives much needed flexibility to our working parents to balance their career with their family commitments. We will review annually the adequacy of such benefits after taking into account among others, fluctuation in commodity prices, inflation rate, consumer price indices and changes in the country’s economy. Sustainability Report