ENRA Group Berhad Annual Report 2019

37 ENRA GROUP BERHAD ∞ Annual Report 2019 page G. How we Manage our Material Sustainability Matters (cont’d) 2) Empowering Our People (Social) (cont’d) b) Employment practices (cont’d) (A) Diversity in the workplace (cont’d) Please refer to the Illustration 13 and Illustration 14 for a comparative view of our workplace diversity by gender and age. We will continue with this practice of diversity at all levels. Illustration 13 Illustration 14 Male Ages > 50 Ages 40 - 49 Female Ages 30 - 39 Ages 20 - 29 80 60 40 20 0 FYE 31 March 2016 FYE 31 March 2017 FYE 31 March 2018 FYE 31 March 2019 49 26 73 65 58 42 40 30 GENDER DIVERSITY 40 50 30 20 10 0 FYE 31 March 2016 FYE 31 March 2017 FYE 31 March 2018 FYE 31 March 2019 9 16 21 23 20 31 30 46 20 21 16 15 29 23 13 16 AGE DIVERSITY Sustainability Report