ENRA Group Berhad Annual Report 2019

36 ENRA GROUP BERHAD ∞ Annual Report 2019 page G. How we Manage our Material Sustainability Matters (cont’d) 2) Empowering Our People (Social) (cont’d) a) Employee health, safety and well-being (cont’d) The Group recognises the importance of having a healthy and happy workforce and encourages employees to have a balanced work life. We believe that our collective efforts have yielded positive results as shown in Illustration 12 depicting a reduction in the number of medical leave days taken relative to headcount which have contributed to greater productivity at work. Illustration 12 We will continue to organise teambuilding sessions and after-work activities in our bid to encourage and support our employees in maintaining an active, healthy and balanced lifestyle. b) Employment practices While we continue to grow and diversify, we are mindful that human resources issues should not be relegated to a minor role in the grand scheme of things. We have through our Employee Handbook (“Handbook”) and Code of Business Conduct addressed the following important human resources issues: (A) Diversity in the workplace Workplace diversity in terms of age, gender, disability, sexual orientation, class, religion, politics, ethnicity or any other characteristics protected by law, is embraced. This is also considered as part of the recruitment requirement. Employees are more likely to feel comfortable and happy in an environment where inclusivity is a priority. Having a diverse workplace, also offers a selection of different talents, skills and experiences, perspectives and ideas. Diversity and non-discrimination are embedded in our Code of Business Conduct and Handbook. FYE 31March 2016 10 36 34 43 179 159 176 20 FYE 31March 2017 FYE 31March 2018 FYE 31March 2019 Total Headcount Taking Medical Leave Total Medical Leave Taken 0 50 100 150 200 MEDICAL LEAVE TAKEN Sustainability Report