ENRA Group Berhad Annual Report 2019

32 ENRA GROUP BERHAD ∞ Annual Report 2019 page G. How we Manage our Material Sustainability Matters (cont’d) 1) Ensuring Sustainable Business Growth (Economic) (cont’d) b) Ethics, governance and compliance Issues of ethics, governance and compliance regularly arise in business transactions and we are firmly committed to conduct our businesses with the highest level of integrity and in full compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations. The following guidance in Illustration 9 was implemented to ensure that we meet this objective: Illustration 9 An annual compliance review of our vendors is carried out to ensure that fair competition is upheld at all times when dealing with third parties and that we conduct our businesses ethically in line with our corporate values of E thical, N oble, R eliable and A ccountable. Various internal policies and procedures have been implemented to eradicate or minimise exposure to risks faced in our businesses. Certification of some of our operating subsidiaries under the ISO 9001 standards also demonstrates their abilities to provide products and services that comply and conform with both their customers’ and regulatory requirements. Our Code of Business Conduct sets out standards of conduct to govern our behaviour towards our employees, suppliers and customers and sets out the method of reporting unethical conduct. Our half yearly compliance reviewof the saidCodeentails ourGroup InternalAuditor sendingand receivingquestionnaires toall employees in confidence. This questionnaire provides ameans by which we can document awareness of the said Code and check compliance with the said Code and our other policies including our Whistleblowing Policy. In 2017, the function of our Group Legal Department was expanded to includeCompliance. In discharging this function, Group Legal has organised various training sessions and regularly issues bulletins to all employees electronically on changes in laws, rules and regulations and updates on various actions taken by regulators, with specific focus on compliance and good corporate governance. Our Group Legal Department also undertakes an annual compliance review with all our key Departments and subsidiaries to ensure that practices and performance of the respective functions and operations of our Group comply with all existing policies and procedures of the Group and to determine areas for improvement. Various trainingswereorganised toeducateour Boardandemployees inchanges to laws,rules and regulations as well as to ensure a sound understanding of our relevant guides, policies and procedures. In FYE 31 March 2019, trainings were given to address the changes to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009, sustainability reporting requirements in accordance with Bursa’s Main Market Listing Requirements relating to Sustainability Reporting in Annual Reports and Bursa’s Sustainability Reporting Guide and Sustainability Toolkits and the Group’s policies and procedures. Ethics, Governance and Compliance Directors’ Code of Ethics [for our Board] Board Charter [for our Board] Employee Handbook [for all personnel] Code of Business Conduct [for all personnel] Vendor Code of Conduct [for all suppliers and vendors] Whistleblowing Policy [general application] Sustainability Report